FW: ( S.A. ) Mind Australia : Lead Practitioner- First Nations

Mind Australia is a not for profit organisation with a 44 year history of providing support to a diverse range of people who live with mental illness.

Within our programs in South Australia around 20 % of our clients identify as Aboriginal /Torres Strait Islanders.

Mind are fully committed to the reconciliation process and ensuring that our supports met the needs of our First Nations clients.

We have an current employment opportunity  for Lead Practitioner- First Nations . I have attached a detailed description of the role , my contact details and  a link to our employment page.

 FLYER Information Sheet

Briefly the role has 2 key  elements

  • Assist in the development and delivery of strategies to build the capacity of our workforce to provide culturally appropriate and safe support to First Nations clients
  • Play a lead role in the implementation of our SA Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

There is also an opportunity to provide direct supports to First Nations clients across a range of our programs.

The role is 0.7 FTE ( 7 days a fortnight)  and is paid at level 5 of the SCHADS award ( $78,900 p.a prorated)

If you are able to distribute this information through your networks we would be very appreciative.

Kel also mentioned that you might be able to add me to your email list to receive updates from the Turkindi Network

Kind regards


Brett Williams​


Pronouns: He/Him

General Manager ‑ South Australia

South Australia

Mind Australia

19 Glynburn Rd










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