Please find grant information below for distribution to the Turkindi network.
For circulation
Fay Fuller Foundation Discovery Grant EOI Applications open 14 February until 25 March 2022.
Discovery Grants create the space for you or your organisation to test an idea or response to mental health & wellbeing on a small scale with community in order to refine and adapt before moving to larger scale implementation.
To be eligible, applicants must have or partner with an organisation that holds DGR-1 status and the proposal must be for South Australian Community and be a non-existing, preventative approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing.
For information and to apply, visit Fay Fuller Foundation website
Enquiries to: <a href=”mailto:kate@fayfullerfoundation.com.au” title=”mailto:kate@fayfullerfoundation.com.au“>kate@fayfullerfoundation.com.au
Marla Briscoe (She/Her)
Grants and Engagement
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Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia