FW: ( S.A. ) Aldinga Payinthi College is excited to be hosting the Kaurna: Still Here Exhibition

Hi all

Aldinga Payinthi College is excited to be hosting the Kaurna: Still Here Exhibition, an incredible collection of work created by Peter Turner and Clem Newchurch.

As the flyer below -highlights there are many opportunities for community and schools to view and be inspired by Peter and Clem’s work.

We would particularly like to highlight the Closing Event which includes a talk from the artists, music, nibbles etc. This event has been made possible through a grant from the City of Onkaparinga and is a partnership with Aldinga Business and Tourism. Please follow this link if you would like to come along Kaurna: Still Here Art Exhibition Closing Event Tickets, Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite

Please circulate throughout your networks and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Warm regards

Lauren Jew
Director, Community Innovation and Participation, Aldinga Payinthi College
Department for Education | 150 Quinliven Road, Aldinga
p 7505 6110 e lauren.jew2@sa.gov.au w www.education.sa.gov.au
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