FW: Restoration of our Boras Assemblies not youth detention

From: Ricky Pascoe [mailto:pascoericky@yahoo.com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, 16 February 2022 11:21 AM
Subject: Restoration of our Boras Assemblies not youth detention

Community message from Byamee Booymah Kiama , malati 

I encourage cusdodians to restore Bora and turn kippas 14 year old into respectful warriors we don’t have to knock there tooth out children need to continue cultural practices .funding jail’s isn’t doing anything just prepared kippas for prison . The simple things on life can be the answer to many problems . Our boras assemblies were destroyed churches built over them .without our Bora there is no initiation process’s in place . Culture is the answer to many problems restoration period of the dreaming is now. Turn paint sniffers into warriors with respect .our future is input hands not government . Land and resources are needed maybe the churches might give some land back since they destroyed your Bora assemblies . Youth justice wake up Australia..

Bulding more prisons won’t help society , how more young people will die in a life of crime or attempting divide sniffing paints glue . Listen to the survivors 

Malati Ricky Pascoe 

Concerned Aboriginal community member 

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