FW: ( QLD ) USQ Career Opportunities – First Nations Identified Positions

Yaama ngindaay ganu? (Are you all well?) 😊

Please be advised that the University of Southern Queensland is currently advertising the following Identified vacancies, open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples:

Lecturer (First Nations Nursing)
The School of Nursing and Midwifery is seeking to appoint a Lecturer (First Nations Nursing) who will provide support to our First Nations students, delivering a positive educational experience through teaching, research and ongoing engagement activities with our external communities and partners.

Learning Advisor (First Nations) (2 positions)
Library services is seeking two highly motivated First Nations Learning Advisors to deliver a range of support services, programs and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, to enhance their academic study success.

You can find further details regarding these vacancies on the USQ Careers website.  You are welcome to share the advertisements with your networks and key contacts.  Applications close 23rd January, 2022.

If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact the Senior Advisor: First Nations Workforce Strategy.

Kind regards,

Joshua Waters
Senior Advisor (First Nations Workforce Strategy)


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