FW: [ QLD ] Thought this Media release may be of interest to you


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Brian Peacock



For immediate release                                       Wednesday 16th February 2020

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) and The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (Qld) Limited (ATSILS) are publicly calling upon the Queensland Human Rights Commissioner to conduct an inquiry into the use of school disciplinary absences in Queensland state schools.

QAI and ATSILS are deeply concerned about students with disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students being suspended and excluded from school more frequently than their peers.

Under the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld), the Department of Education has a legal obligation to uphold every child’s right to access a primary and secondary education that is appropriate to their needs. However, figures obtained through a Right to Information request show an unjustifiable and disproportionate use of school disciplinary absences among certain groups of students.

The data revealed that students with a disability received between 46%-48% of all short-term suspensions and between 41%-47% of all long-term suspensions between 2016 and 2020. This is despite the fact that students with disability only make up about 17% of the Queensland school population.

We also know that despite only constituting approximately 10% of the school population, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students receive approximately one quarter of all suspensions and exclusions.

These figures are not simply a reflection of student behaviour. They reflect a range of systemic issues that culminate in high numbers of school disciplinary absences, such as the inability to seek a review of a suspension of up to ten school days, and the difficulties that some students with disability experience trying to get reasonable adjustments at school.

This is made worse by inadequate accountability of decision-making and complex review and appeals processes.

The consequences of excessive school disciplinary absences are profound. Students are denied essential learning opportunities, go on to experience poorer mental health and are at an increased risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system.

We need alternative, evidenced-based solutions to discipline that will successfully reduce behaviours of concern, whilst keeping students safe and engaged at school. We know that when school disciplinary absences are used sparingly alongside supportive interventions, there are better outcomes for students, families and teachers.

These alternatives must uphold a child’s right to an inclusive education and ensure culturally appropriate support is provided to every child so that they can fulfil their true potential.

QAI and ATSILS urge the Queensland Human Rights Commissioner to utilise their investigatory powers to find out why this is happening. We are releasing a report today that details our concerns, as well as our suggested ideas for change.

Read our report here.

Media contacts:
Matilda Alexander, CEO of QAI (07 844 4200)
Shane Duffy, CEO of ATSILS (07 3025 3888)

 Acknowledgement of Country

We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work, and we respect and honour their Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.

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