FW: ( QLD ) Recruitment (Permanent Full-time) – Senior Client Support Officer (Court Technologies) A04 – Reform and Support Services, QEII Courts of Law

From: Cameron Wright <Cameron.Wright@justice.qld.gov.au&gt;
Sent: Friday, 17 December 2021 4:39 PM
To: DL-CSQ Staff <DL-CSQ-Staff@justice.qld.gov.au&gt;
Subject: Recruitment (Permanent Full-time) – Senior Client Support Officer (Court Technologies) A04 – Reform and Support Services, QEII Courts of Law

Good Afternoon,

Please see advertised position below and circulate within your divisions.

Reform and Support Services


Senior Client Support Officer (Court Technologies)

Information and Court Technology

Dear colleagues,

An exciting opportunity exists to join Reform and Support Services (RSS) in the permanent, flexible full-time position of Senior Client Support Officer (Court Technologies), Information and Court Technologies (A04). The role is permanent and based in the QEII Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane.




Reform and Support Services (RSS)


The Information & Court Technology Branch (I&CT) supports the important work of Queensland Courts through a combination of internal resources and external suppliers. Queensland Courts rely heavily upon technology to deliver existing services and plan to use technology to drive strategic changes in the way that services are delivered to the community. The I&CT Branch will be at the forefront of that change.


The Court Service Centre (CSC) unit is primarily focused on providing responsive, reliable, and respectful 1st/2nd level Service Desk support to all members of the Judiciary and their associates. They also provide 1st level support for all in-Court technology including video-conferencing and audio-visual systems. In addition to this, they provide 1st level support for Queensland Courts’ business critical criminal and civil applications (QWIC, QCivil, ICJ, CLAIMS, and QJAS).


The role


As a member of the CSC team, you will use your technical expertise and strong client service skills to provide responsive, reliable, and respectful support to a diverse group of clients. You will combine your technical problem-solving skills and excellent verbal and written communication to undertake effective incident resolution, request fulfilment, continuous service improvement activities, and various project activities.



Key responsibilities


·         Provide first-contact support services to I&CT clients via multiple channels including phone, Microsoft Teams, and in-person.

·         Provide responsive technical support in the investigation and resolution of client incidents.

·         Provide technical knowledge and skills in the fulfilment of requests from clients.

·         Provide second-level desktop support and request services including installation of desktops, laptops, and printers.

·         Provide application support and one-on-one user training for common Microsoft Office products along with key Courts applications.

·         Develop knowledge based articles for regular client enquiries to assist clients self-serve solution.

·         Maintain an awareness of current and emerging whole of Government ICT through researching of strategies, policies, standards, and of relevant technologies and industry best practice.

·         Use your initiative and proactive approach to identify opportunities and initiatives that will continually improve I&CT delivered services.


How to apply

Please apply via SmartJobs. The application closes on Monday, 10 January 2022.



Kind regards


Cameron Wright

A/Executive Support Officer – Reform and Support Services

Court Services Queensland

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

P: +61 7 3738 7499

E: Cameron.Wright@justice.qld.gov.au










































































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