FW: ( QLD ) BCC (E&D Vacancy-TV6) CONTRACTS TECHNICAL OFFICER ($71k+ pa) TEMP Up to 6 months

From: diversityinclusion [mailto:diversityinclusion@brisbane.qld.gov.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 22 February 2022 3:06 PM
To: diversityinclusion
Subject: BCC (E&D Vacancy-TV6) CONTRACTS TECHNICAL OFFICER ($71k+ pa) TEMP Up to 6 months

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Check out our “Working at Council” video
(a lot of the people in the video have been on this E&D list, gotten jobs and now work here!)

Hello everyone! 

This job is a TEMPORARY VACANCY only meaning it is for less than 6 months duration.  It may be a backfilling situation while someone is on leave or undertaking a higher duties position.  We call them TV6 vacancies and they are only available internally PLUS our E&D list (see paragraph below).  Our Recruitment Centre does not do the recruitment for these vacancies… the recruiting is done directly by the local manager.   You apply as directed in the email and the responses are by the local area.


Under an Equity and Diversity initiative, people with disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are able to apply for these jobs even though they do not currently work for Council.  However, you can only apply by using the link provided below and by identifying which equity group you are a member of.  If you have any difficulty, please contact the “More Information” person listed.


IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS or difficulty using the link provided,



Contracts Management is seeking multiple Contracts Technical Officers for a period of up to 6 months.

The primary purpose of this role is to assist the Contracts Coordinator, monitor and conduct compliance inspections of contractors as required, update computer-based asset registers and contract schedules, monitor contractor delivery progress against expectations, check contractor invoices and recommend payment for work completed. The role is also responsible for the collation of compliance data to support Branch KPIs and reporting.

Key accountabilities:

·         Lead and role model customer focused behaviour by treating all internal and external customers with honesty, fairness, sensitivity and dignity.

·         Work in partnership with your team leader to agreed performance standards and mutual expectations.  Give and receive regular feedback to enable performance to be improved and take personal responsibility for optimising your potential within Council.

·         Monitor, allocate and conduct inspections as required, including safety observations and quality audits and compile/reconcile auditable records and reports

·         Support the Contracts Coordinator by assisting with the provision of accurate calculations of completed works to allow timely and appropriate payments to be made to service providers in accordance with contract requirements or Service Level Agreements. Assist in ensuring schedules of work and scope of works are accurately maintained and additions/deletions are current.

·         Provide timely and accurate reports to the Contracts Coordinator on budget expenditure, program progress and key performance indicators.

·         Assist in best practice and effective delivery of service contracts.

·         Record information and prepare and produce high level written documentation relating to contract services and internal providers in accordance with Branch standards.

·         Operate computer software packages including Word, Excel and corporate systems including SAP and ArcGIS, to update work schedules and maps and to obtain relevant data, produce high quality reports and presentation materials.

To be eligible to apply you must meet the following criteria: For salaried roles, applications can be accepted from: permanent employees; temporary employees who have been employed for a minimum of six months; people employed as temporary employees through a Community Jobs Program/Work Placement; casual employees who have had the equivalent of six months full-time employment; and external applicants for internally advertised Band 2 to 4 vacancies from the Indigenous communities and the Disability Community Network (Equity and Diversity Networks). Labour hire (agency contractors) are not eligible to apply for TV6 roles.

How to apply:  DO NOT Click on the ‘Apply’ button. Please email hiring manager (see below) directly with your cover letter and current resume that demonstrates how you meet the requirements of this role.

**Email application directly to: JOHANNES.KNOETZE@BRISBANE.QLD.GOV.AU – no later than COB 25 February 2022.

Position Description: CLICK HERE

NB. Right click on link and copy shortcut into a new browser for example, Chrome.

Duration: Up to 6 Months

Start Date: Monday 7 March 2022

Closing Date: Friday 25 February 2022

Brisbane City Council is a multi-award winning accessible and inclusive workplace. Council was awarded 2016 Employer of Year at the National Disability Awards and 2018 & 2019 ‘Gold’ status by the Australian Workplace Equality Index for LGBTI inclusion.

Happy job hunting!!

Diversity and Inclusion Team

Strategic Talent Management | Human Resources






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