From: Ricky Pascoe <>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January 2022 9:26 PM
Subject: individuals self proclaimed White Australia policy raising it’s heads with pride on burning our flag when will this stop racism hate Australia
This was sent to me by concerned community members , these men should be charged for inviting hate racism violence in retaliation of individual acts .this is a growing serious concern and our people have no trust in police I am concerned for our children’s future with terriost representing Australia burning our flag evil sadistic Australian individuals are losing there’s minds .will this cause further problems we don’t need ?
I urge our people to ignore these fools social media stunts for sick people .stay safe keep close to family members ,film any attempts or attacks on Aboriginal people , do not retaliate it’s a trap by sick minded fools . Hopefully they will be found and shit down .shocking video to watch very upsetting .
The Australian government need to act before it gets out of hand .stay safe my people Byamee Booymah Kiama protect our people from evil .
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