FW: Funding and other Opportunities @ 5 January 2022 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

From: Rebecca Butler <rebecca2@tfss.com.au&gt;
Sent: Thursday, 6 January 2022 6:31 AM
Subject: FW: Funding and other Opportunities @ 5 January 2022 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Please see below and attached for your further distribution.

From: Rowe, Kathy <kathy.rowe@official.niaa.gov.au>
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 4:10 PM
Subject: FW: Funding and other Opportunities @ 5 January 2022 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

FYI and distribution to your networks – first one for 2022 – Happy New Year.


Take care and stay safe.


Funding and Opportunities – not included in last week’s email

Indigenous Contemporary Music

The Indigenous Contemporary Music program supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians and bands. It provides opportunities and skills to develop ongoing income and employment pathways in the music industry.

The Indigenous Contemporary Music program is part of the Australian Music Industry Package, announced on 30 March 2019. It is an open competitive grants opportunity.

The program will fund Indigenous-led organisations who provide professional industry-based opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians and bands. To receive funding under this program, your organisation must:

1.       be fully or partially owned, governed, staffed or advised by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

2.       have a history of good governance and sound financial management over an extended period, and

3.       have capacity and expertise to design and deliver a development program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians and bands.

Applications to the program may include activities such as:

4.       training and/or mentoring in areas such as song writing, recording, performance, staging, engineering, recording, promotion, marketing, business skills and management, as well the development of resources to deliver such training

5.       paid internships, live performance opportunities and touring, production of demos, sound recordings and/or music videos, securing music or record label management, creation of culturally safe performance and production environments, and increased representation on boards and committees

6.       consultation, participation in workshops and mentorships, attendance at professional conferences and events, and establishing relationships with media and streaming services.

Program guidelines

Guidelines for the Indigenous Contemporary Music program are available on the GrantConnect website.

Applications close – January 31, 2022 23:59 AEDT

The National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program

The National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program is designed to achieve the Australian Government’s commitment to working towards zero suicides and reducing suicidal behaviour across the Australian population.

This Grant Opportunity will provide funding for a range of activities aimed at reducing suicide deaths and suicidal behaviour across the Australian population and particularly among at risk populations and communities. A total of $114 million is available from 2022-23 to 2024-25 across seven activities. Applications may be submitted under one or more activities.

Close Date & Time: 28-Jan-2022 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)

Sponsorship Grants for Student Science Engagement and International Competitions

This grant opportunity provides organisations, such as schools and community groups, funds to sponsor a student or group of students to participate in:

7.       in-person and virtual STEM engagement events, activities and competitions hosted in Australia and New Zealand (where permitted by COVID-19 restrictions)

8.       virtual STEM engagement events, activities and competitions hosted overseas (students to participate remotely from Australia).


To be eligible you must have an Australian business number (ABN) and be one of the following entities:

9.       a primary or secondary school that is registered with the relevant authority

10.   an incorporated not for profit organisation

11.   an entity incorporated in Australia and

12.   be able to enter into a grant agreement in your own right or through an affiliated entity.

All eligibility criteria is described in the grant opportunity guidelines.

Close Date & Time: 25-Jan-2022 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)

National Disability Conference Initiative (NDCI) 2022-23

The Australian Government is inviting applications via an open competitive process to apply for grant funding under the National Disability Conference Initiative (NDCI) 2022-23. The NDCI is delivered as part of the activities supporting the aims in Australia’s Disability Strategy and assists in delivering improved outcomes for people with disability and their carers.

This grant opportunity provides grants to conference organisers to assist people with disability participate in nationally-focused, disability-related, conferences held in Australia. Grants will support eligible conference organisers to provide accessibility measures that will maximise the inclusion and participation of people with disability at their conference. This in turn supports the vision of Australia’s Disability Strategy.

Close Date & Time: 1-Feb-2022 9:00 pm (ACT Local Time)

National Careers Institute Partnership Grants

The National Careers Institute Partnership Grants program provides grants from $20,000 to $350,000 for up to 12 months to enhance partnerships with industry, employers and schools to deliver innovative career advisory products and services for people at all stages of their careers.

The objectives for round 4 of the program are to:

13.   create greater awareness of career pathways and career information for young people not in education, employment or training

14.   contribute to an evidence base for addressing the needs of young people who are disengaged from education, employment or training

15.   enhance partnerships between employers, training providers, schools and community organisations that assist disengaged young people into further learning and work, including jobs in demand.

The intended outcomes of the program are:

16.   enhanced career pathways that help young people reach their full career potential

17.   increased understanding by young people of the skills sought by employers

18.   stronger collaboration in the delivery of career guidance to young people

19.   improved quality of career guidance to young people.

Refer to the grant opportunity guidelines for detail about eligible grant activities.

We recommend that your proposed project complement the work of the National Careers Institute.

Close Date & Time: 7-Feb-2022 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)

Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) – Community Investments Stream

The $1.38 billion Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) supports the Australian Government’s commitment to:

20.   drive economic grow

21.   build stronger regional communities into the future

For Round 6 a total of $250 million is available.

The Community Investments Stream will fund new or expanded local events, strategic regional plans, or leadership and capability strengthening activities that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas. Infrastructure projects are not eligible under the Community Investments Stream.

For most projects grant funding will be up to either 50% or 75% of your eligible project costs. Your location will determine the percentage of grant funding you can receive.

You may apply for a partial or full exemption to your cash contribution if you can demonstrate that you are experiencing exceptional circumstances.

For small projects with a total grant amount of equal to or less than $20,000, grant funding will be up to 100% of eligible project costs.

Close Date & Time: 10-Feb-2022 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)

Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) – Community Investments Stream

The $1.38 billion Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) supports the Australian Government’s commitment to:

22.   drive economic growth

23.   build stronger regional communities into the future.

For Round 6 a total of $250 million is available.

The Infrastructure Projects Stream supports projects that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas. The projects can be either construction of new infrastructure or the upgrade or extension of existing infrastructure. The Infrastructure Projects Stream only supports investment ready projects.  

For most projects grant funding will be up to either 50% or 75% of your eligible project costs. Your location will determine the percentage of grant funding you can receive.

You may apply for a partial or full exemption to your contribution requirement if you can demonstrate that you are experiencing exceptional circumstances.

Your project will need to deliver economic and social benefits to a regional or remote community. 

Close Date & Time:10-Feb-2022 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)

Access to Justice Innovation Fund

The third round of the Access to Justice Innovation Fund is now open and will close at midnight on 11 February 2022. 

The Access to Justice Innovation Fund provides grants of between $50,000 and $250,000 to support innovative projects designed to improve the way legal problems are solved.

The Fund has a total value of $1 million, with up to $250,000 in grants available annually for four years (2019/20 to 2022/23).

The minimum grant that may be applied for is $50,000. The maximum grant that may be applied for is $250,000. Multiple grants may be awarded in each financial year, to a total value of $250,000.

The Fund is part of our Civil Justice Action Plan, which aims to help remove the barriers that prevent common disputes from being resolved quickly and fairly.


You must clearly demonstrate how your low cost, high impact project can reduce barriers to the justice system, particularly for socially and economically disadvantaged communities.

Priority will be given to proposals addressing access to justice concerns for:

24.   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

25.   Regional and remote communities

26.   Communities experiencing disadvantage

Your project must be focused on areas which fall within the NSW Government’s legislative responsibility.

Applications are open to non-government organisations, not-for-profit organisations, or businesses that provide services to people living in NSW. 

Government entities are not eligible to apply. Private individuals wishing to apply may only do so through partnership with an organisational entity. 

How to apply

Centre of Excellence Fund

The Centre of Excellence Fund aims to improve talent pathways and community engagement for all sporting codes.


Key objectives

The primary objectives of the Fund are to: 

27.   Provide elite performance sport infrastructure 

28.   Support talent identification and development pathways (i.e. athletes moving from pre-elite to elite)  

29.   Support the enhancement of dedicated female programs and facilities to improve pathways for women and girls, in line with the NSW Government’s women in sport strategy Her Sport Her Way

30.   Improve the level of community engagement e.g. an increase in the number of community health and wellbeing education workshops held at a Centre of Excellence

Funding availability

$150 million has been allocated to the Centre of Excellence Fund.  

The NSW Government is allocating up to $75 million in 2021/2022 (Round 1). 

31.   Centre of Excellence Fund grants are for the capital cost of the project only. Applicants are responsible for project administration costs, non-fixed or movable equipment and the ongoing operation of the facility. 

32.   The grant amount requested by an applicant must be a minimum of $5 million and cannot exceed $15 million. All applications are required to provide a minimum 50% financial co-contribution of the estimated total project cost (e.g. if an applicant’s estimated total project cost is $30 million, they must demonstrate at least a $15 million co-contribution). A Hardship Form will be available to applicants that cannot meet this requirement. 

33.   All successful applicants must enter into a funding agreement with the Office of Sport. Grant payments will not be made until an executed funding agreement is in place and the Office of Sport will not be responsible for any project expenditure until this time. The standard funding agreement terms and conditions are published on the Office of Sport website and no amendments will be considered unless essential to the delivery of a funded project. 

34.   Project governance (e.g. establishment and operation of a project control group to oversee the delivery of the project) and planning activities (e.g. activities associated with obtaining planning approval including submitting a Development Application) are to commence within three months of the execution date of the funding agreement.

35.   Project construction is to commence by March 2023, and project construction is expected to be completed within two years of commencing. Funding approval may include certain conditions that have been determined throughout the assessment process.

36.   Applications should identify the risk of a project not proceeding should the full grant amount requested not be approved. The Office of Sport reserves the right to recommend grant amounts that may differ from the amount requested in the application. Any such details will be specified in a written offer as well as the funding agreement. 

37.   Projects that are not the focus of the Centre of Excellence Fund will be encouraged to consider an application under other grant programs (e.g. Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund and Local Sport Grant Program).

To be considered eligible, the project must be submitted through the Office of Sport SmartyGrants website. 

Applications close  1pm, Friday 11 February 2022

Tourism Product Development Fund – Experience Development Fund – Destination NSW

This fund is available to businesses that are proposing to develop a new attraction or experience in NSW that directly aligns with the NSW strengths identified in the Visitor Economy Strategy (VES) 2030. This fund involves a two-stage process. The first stage is an Expression of Interest (EOI). The shortlisted EOIs will be invited to submit a full application.

Applications for the Experience Development Fund close on 16 January 2022 at midnight Sydney Time.

For more information please review the:

38.   Program Guidelines

39.   Handy Hints for completing your Experience Development application

How to Apply

To be considered for funding, please register (or login if you have already registered) and complete the online form for the Fund you wish to apply to.

All forms must be submitted via the online system.

For questions about completing this application form, the guidelines or deadlines, please first contact your Destination Network.

Alternatively, you can email tourism.funding@dnsw.com.au and quote your application ID (this number is available on your dashboard when you log in to the online application portal and was sent to you by email when you first saved your application).


NSW Department of Education – Before and After School Care grants

The Department of Education has launched new grant programs with funding targeted to current Before and After School Care (BASC) providers.

BASC services play an essential role in the livelihood and wellbeing of NSW families. Three grants have been designed to ensure providers are well supported in delivering affordable, flexible and quality care, to address demand and provide access to before and after school care for every NSW primary school child who needs it.

Check out the available grants below to support new and existing services.

If you have any further questions about one of the grants below, please email BASCGRANTS@det.nsw.edu.au and one of our grants team will be in touch.

Transport Grant

The Transport Grant funds transport solutions to improve access to Before and After School Care services. Access for students in small, regional, and rural schools is a particular priority with this grant.

Applicants may seek up to $85,000 (GST inclusive) to fund transport-related expenses, pending eligibility as detailed in these guidelines. This is a competitive grant program, which will run throughout financial year 2021-2022.

Grant eligibility criteria and further details are available here.

To apply for this grant program, please complete and submit the relevant application form online via SmartyGrants

The second round of applications is now open, and will close on 28 January 2022.

40.   For grant eligibility criteria, please click here

41.   Complete your application here External link

If you have any further questions, please email BASCGRANTS@det.nsw.edu.au and one of our grants team will be in touch.

Establishment Grant

The Establishment Grant encourages and supports the establishment of new services to improve access to before and after school care for NSW primary school children.

Applicants may seek up to $40,000 (GST inclusive) to support establishment and operating expenses, pending eligibility as detailed in the guidelines. This is a competitive grant program, which will run throughout financial year 2021-2022.

Grant eligibility criteria and further details are available here.

To apply for this grant program, please complete and submit the relevant application form online via SmartyGrants

The third round of applications will close 25 February 2022. 

42.   For grant eligibility criteria, please click here

43.   Complete your application here

Regional Youth Radio

Up to $100,000 in funding is available to eligible applicants to deliver youth-led radio and podcasting initiatives as part of the NSW Government’s Regional Youth Radio Program.

The funding will support new projects enabling young people living in regional NSW to lead and participate in youth radio and podcasting activities such as training and skills development, program or content creation, essential equipment and minor capital works to support youth radio, broadcasting and podcasting programs.

The Regional Youth Radio Program aims to increase young people’s participation in activities that strengthen their opportunities to have a voice, as well as their connection and belonging to their communities.

The Regional Youth Radio Program is an initiative of the Office of Regional Youth, administered by the Department of Communities and Justice.

Applications are now open

Applications for the Regional Youth Radio Program opened on Thursday 9 December 2021 and close at 5pm on Friday 28 January 2022. 

More information available here – https://www.nsw.gov.au/regional-nsw/regional-youth-radio

Grassroots Sport Fund

The Grassroots Sport Fund will provide a one-off grant of up to $1,000 to around 12,500 eligible local clubs and associations across the State to assist them with recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 and the recommencement of community sport.

The Grassroots Sport Fund will support eligible sporting clubs and associations affiliated to State Sporting Organisations (SSOs) and State Sporting Organisations for People with Disability (SSODs) recognised by the Office of Sport.

The Grassroots Sport Fund will assist organisations with fixed costs, irrecoverable costs due to cancellation of events that were incurred as a result of COVID-19 stay at home orders or for activities associated with a return to sport.

The application process for the Grassroots Sport Fund will be administered by the respective SSO/SSOD for each sport and supported by the Office of Sport where required.

Applications from clubs/associations to SSO/SSOD’s close – 1:00pm, Monday 28 February 2022 


Watch this space – opening soon

Energy Efficient Communities Program


The Energy Efficient Communities Program will deliver $40 million in grants to help businesses and community groups lower their energy bills and reduce emissions. 

What is the aim of the program?

To help businesses and community organisations save energy and lower bills through:

44.   equipment upgrades that reduce energy consumption

45.   investment in energy and emissions monitoring and management systems to better manage energy use

46.   completion of energy systems assessments according to the Australian Standard or feasibility studies to investigate energy efficiency opportunities

47.   for community organisations only, energy generation and storage projects (for example, solar photovoltaic (PV) generator systems and batteries).

Who is it for?

There are 2 streams to the program:

48.   Business Stream.

49.   Community Organisations Stream.

The Business Stream has 4 rounds.

50.   Applications for the food and beverage manufacturing business round open on 12 January 2022 and close on 18 February 2022.

How much are the grants?

51.   Food and beverage manufacturing businesses can apply for a grant of up to $25,000 with no co-contribution required.

Who is eligible?

Business Stream – eligible applicants include:

52.   food and beverage manufacturing businesses with 1 to 199 employees

Full details of the eligibility requirements and how to apply are specified in the guidelines for each round.



Youngcare’s At Home Care Grants

Youngcare’s At Home Care Grants program is critical in keeping young people at home with their families, and preventing new admissions to inappropriate housing.

Youngcare’s At Home Care Grants (AHCG) provide funding for equipment, home modifications and essential support/respite that is unable to be funded through other means (eg. NDIS). This funding is to both enhance the quality of life for young people with high physical care needs and assist them to remain living in their own home with loved ones.

The grants provide one-off funding of up to $10,000 to help those aged 16-65 with high physical care needs who are living at home, and are at risk of entering inappropriate housing.

Top tip: If you are unsure about whether you can apply or not, please contact us.

53.   Applications Open: 9 February

54.   Applications Close: 23 March

Visions of Australia program

The Visions of Australia program funds the development and touring of exhibitions of cultural material of historic, scientific, design, social or artistic significance.

Tours must include at least three venues outside the organisation’s home state or territory and include regional and/or remote venues.

All applications are assessed with the assistance of independent assessors.

The next funding round is expected to open in February 2022 for projects starting from 1 July 2022.


Opportunities still open – included in last week’s email

Country Shows Support Package

As part of the NSW Government’s $200 million Regional Recovery Package, $5 million has been committed to the 2022 Country Shows Support Package to help country shows bounce back bigger and better than ever. 

Applications are now open

Applications for the Country Shows Support Package are open from 14 December 2021 and close Friday, 29 April 2022.

Available funding

Up to $5 million in funding is available under the Country Shows Support Package. 

The package will deliver tiered funding as shown below. 

Show size

Maximum grant amount

Small shows (up to 1,999 attendees)


Medium shows (2,000 to 4,999 attendees)


Large shows (5,000 attendees and over)


Show size is determined by total attendance across all event days. To determine show size for an application, organising committees should use the show attendance from the event with the highest attendance held between 2018 and 2021. 


Eligible applicants are NSW Show Organising Committees recognised by the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW Ltd and listed in Appendix A in the program guidelines.

Refer to the program guidelines for all other eligibility requirements including eligible and ineligible costs.  

Program information and resources 

The following resources and tools are available to support potential applicants with their submissions: 

55.   Country Shows Support Package Program Guidelines (PDF, 962.85 KB)

56.   Statutory Declaration Template (PDF, 1.04 MB)

57.   Country Shows Support Package Frequently Asked Questions are listed below

Key dates

58.   Applications close: 5pm on Friday, 29 April 2022


More information available here – Country Shows Support Package | NSW Government

NSW Boating Now

A recreational boating infrastructure delivery program.

Registrations of Interest for Round 4 of Boating Now Program are now open!

The NSW Boating Now Program provides grant funding to improve maritime infrastructure and facilities across NSW, including boat ramps, pontoons, sewage pump-outs and passive craft launching facilities.

Refer to the Round 4 Funding Guidelines and the link to Registration of Interest form included in the link below.

Any enquiries relating to maritime projects can be directed to MIDO@transport.nsw.gov.au.

The first step to apply for funding is to complete a Registration of Interest form and submit the form by 28 February 2022. 

Blue Carbon Ecosystem Restoration Grants

The Blue Carbon Ecosystem Restoration Grants will run over 4 years from 2021–22 to 2024–25. These grants are a core component of the broader Blue Carbon Conservation, Restoration and Accounting Program.

The grants will fund on-ground implementation of at least 4 blue carbon ecosystem restoration projects in Australia. The projects will be chosen to represent a variety of blue carbon ecosystem types and socio-economic settings and serve as demonstration of the outcomes achievable for climate, biodiversity and livelihoods.

The objectives of the grants are: 

59.   restore degraded and/or re-establish previously lost blue carbon ecosystems by implementing on-ground ecosystem restoration activities

60.   provide information on the benefits to climate, biodiversity and livelihoods resulting from restoration activities within various ecosystem types and socio-economic settings.

The intended outcomes of the grants are: 

61.   improve the health of blue carbon ecosystems, thereby enhancing biodiversity, climate and livelihood benefits.

62.   improve understanding of the flow of ecosystem services and benefits of blue carbon ecosystem restoration and assist in building knowledge and expertise in restoration activities and EEA. 

63.   generate restoration case studies to demonstrate the importance of coastal wetland conservation and restoration,  

64.   contribute to a wider community of practice for blue carbon wetland ecosystem restoration and project level environmental-economic accounting.

Applications close – 15 February 2022 – 9:00pm AEDT

Cancer Australia’s Supporting People With Cancer (SPWC) Grant initiative 2022 Grant Round 13

Cancer Australia invites applications for funding under the Supporting People With Cancer (SPWC) grant initiative. The SPWC Grant initiative aims to support people affected by cancer through the provision of grants to community organisations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.

The SPWC Grant initiative will fund evidence-based projects to reduce the impact of cancer and better support people affected by cancer. Community organisations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations supporting people affected by cancer can apply for grants of up to $120,000 (GST exclusive) over a three-year period (2022-2025). Grants for projects to be conducted over a period less than 3 years should not exceed $40,000 (GST exclusive) per annum.

Applications close: Monday, 7 February 2022, 2.00pm.

Supply Chain Resilience Initiative Round 2

Image removed by sender.

The Supply Chain Resilience Initiative provides businesses up to $2 million to establish or scale a manufacturing capability or a related activity to address supply chain vulnerabilities for a critical product or input identified in the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan.

What do you get?

Grants from $50,000 to $2 million.

Who is this for?

A manufacturing business or a business within the manufacturing supply chain for critical products identified in the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan.

Applicants should demonstrate how their project addresses vulnerabilities identified in the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan- external site, including through investment in new equipment, technology, skills and processes.

Successful applicants and projects will contribute to the program’s goals. The program aims to:

65.   improve Australia’s resilience to future supply chain shocks

66.   facilitate diversification of supply options and increase investment in the economy

67.   enable diversification into export markets and reduce reliance on domestic markets

68.   improve collaboration between domestic and international manufacturers and suppliers

69.   mitigate supply chain risks for critical products

70.   enhance visibility and transparency of the supply chain for critical products

71.   accelerate digitalisation and deeper integration of technology

72.   optimise supply chain performance.


To be eligible you must:

73.   have an Australian Business Number (ABN)

74.   be non-income tax-exempt

75.   be registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST)

76.   be an entity incorporated in Australia and a trading corporation.

If you are a trading corporation, your trading activities must:

77.   form a sufficiently significant proportion of the corporation’s overall activities as to merit it being described as a trading corporation; or

78.   form a substantial and not merely peripheral activity of the corporation.


Closing date:17 Jan 2022 05:00 PM AEDT


Ian Potter Foundation

The Ian Potter Foundation makes grants across a broad range of sectors and endeavours. Grants are made under the following funding areas:

79.   Fair – Early Childhood Development and Community Wellbeing

80.   Healthy – Medical Research equipment and Public Health Research Projects

81.   Sustainable – Environment

82.   Vibrant – Arts and Culture

The majority of our grants are made in response to applications and/or an expression-of-interest (EoI). However, grants may be made in response to a need or opportunity proactively identified by the Foundation. The latter are usually major funding initiatives.

The Ian Potter Foundation rarely awards the full amount of any project.  Please ensure that you have alternative providers of funding, and that your application clearly considers any possible grant from the Foundation in this context.  

This section guides grantseekers step-by-step through the process of applying for a grant, starting with confirming your organisation’s eligibility to receive a grant under the Australian taxation laws and checking the suitability of the project before setting up an online account and submitting an application. Please note that most of our funding areas consider applications via a two-stage process – EOI, then full application – that may take from four to six months to complete.

We encourage you to make use of the FAQsTips & Hints and other downloadable documents that provide extra detail, should you need it.

If you can’t find the information you need or have any doubts, please call us. We are happy to answer questions and provide additional guidance.

Eligibility of your organisation

Under the terms of the deed of The Ian Potter Foundation and Australian taxation laws, The Ian Potter Foundation can only make grants to organisations based in Australia with BOTH Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 and Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status

Closing times differ for different funding areas – more information here https://www.ianpotter.org.au/funding-rounds/

More information available here – https://www.ianpotter.org.au/how-to-apply-for-a-grant/

Veteran & Community Grants (V&CG) Program

The Australian Government is inviting ex-service organisations (ESOs), or non-ESOs working in partnership with an ESO, through a targeted competitive process to apply for grant funding under the Veteran and Community Grants Program from 9 December 2021 to 20 January 2022.

The program consists of one annual funding round. The objective of the program is to maintain and improve the independence and quality of life for members of the Australian veteran community by providing funding for projects that sustain or enhance health and wellbeing.

The intended outcomes of the program are to deliver projects that:

83.   are sustainable and have an ongoing benefit for members of the Australian veteran community

84.   increase opportunities for members of the Australian veteran community to engage in social and community activities and/or improve health behaviours and support healthy places.

Applications will be considered under 2 grant categories: small grants (up to a maximum of $50,000 per grant) or large grants (from $50,001 to a maximum of $150,000 per grant).

For small grants under this grant opportunity, practical projects and activities that support safe, accessible environments for veterans and their families to enable social connection and positive engagement to improve wellbeing are encouraged.

For large grants under this grant opportunity, grants will be considered for projects that deliver wellbeing support services and activities of broad-scale benefit to the veteran community.

Applications close: Thursday, 20 January 2022, 9.00pm.

Contact: 1800 020 283 (option 1) or support@communitygrants.gov.au

Pride Foundation Australia (PFA) & Sidney Myer Fund Grant Round 1 2022 EOI

This Pride Foundation Australia (PFA) & Sidney Myer Fund grant round will focus on supporting LGBTQIA+ refugees and people seeking asylum. They encourage projects that are collaborations between refugee and asylum seeker agencies or groups and LGBTQIA+ agencies or groups.

Where an LGBTIQ+ refugee-led group is partnering with another organisation we encourage equal partnerships and co-design. One of the organisations/groups must have DGR status. Projects should aim to assist LGBTQIA+ people who are refugees or seeking asylum in any of the following areas:

85.   Improving access to stable housing,

86.   Enhancing education and/or workforce participation

87.   Enhancing support for community connection and improving settlement outcomes

88.   Improving health and/or health literacy

89.   Supporting links to LGBTIQ services and supports

90.   Enhancing cultural engagement and development

91.   Improving LGBTQIA+ inclusive practice in services.

Projects may have a duration of up to two years and include any of the following:

92.   Community development, or

93.   Education initiatives, or

94.   Applied, community-led research with tangible outcomes in the field, or

95.   Events including arts and cultural or conferences.

Expressions of Interest close: Monday, 14 March 2022, 5.00pm. Those short listed will be advised by 1 April and will be invited to submit a full application.

Contact: Rhonda Brown, 0419 309 540 or grants@pridefoundation.org.au

Supporting Younger Veterans (SYV) Grants Program

The Australian Government is inviting ex-service organisations (ESOs), or non-ESOs working in partnership with an ESO, through a targeted competitive process to apply for grant funding under the SYV program.

The objectives of the program are to:

96.   deliver services to the younger veterans’ community that build community capacity for the future and complement services already provided by the Commonwealth

97.   expand on existing or well established services offered to the younger veterans’ community to new regions within Australia or in development of new services that will be offered in more than one location

98.   raise awareness of the important issues faced by the younger veterans’ community.

The intended outcomes of the program are to:

99.   support the development of well-researched and tailored services for the younger veterans’ community, with a particular focus on services supporting those at risk of experiencing poor mental health

100.                       develop capability within the veteran community that services the unique needs of the younger veterans’ community

101.                       fund organisations that can sustainably deliver services to the younger veterans’ community now and into the future

102.                       increase collaboration amongst organisations to expand services and harness existing expertise for the benefit of the younger veterans’ community

103.                       increase awareness of younger veterans’ community issues and/or services within the Australian and veteran communities, where doing so would benefit the younger veterans’ community.

Applications close 20 January 2022 – 9:00pm AEDT

Sisters of Charity Foundation Community Grants Program February 2022 EOI

Do you need help to fight poverty, loneliness, suffering or oppression? If you don’t qualify for assistance through other existing channels, the Sisters of Charity Foundation Community Grants Program may be able to help. They provide grants of up to $15,000 to eligible applicants. They deliver practical, real world support to smaller “grass-roots” organisations that can’t find help from more traditional sources.

Once accepted as an eligible applicant, they work closely with you and your organisation to understand exactly what is needed, so they can ensure you receive the best quality outcomes.

Eligibility criteria:

104.                       The organisation’s mission and operations, and the proposed program, are consistent with the application guidelines of the Sisters of Charity Foundation, and must make a huge difference to those in need.

105.                       The applicant is able to demonstrate the knowledge and the expertise necessary to implement the program as well as the skills necessary for the sustainable management of the program and the responsible stewardship of resources.

106.                       The applicant organisation has the support of its Board, or in the case of an individual, the proposer’s supporting authority.

107.                       The organisation is not-for-profit and has Income Tax Exempt Charity (ITEC) status and Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 status.

108.                       The organisation’s annual income is less than $1 million.

The Sisters of Charity Foundation favours programs that:

109.                       provide compassion, hope and practical assistance

110.                       fall between the cracks of other funding sources

111.                       are not associated with well established organisations with significant reserves and/or are not capable of raising their own funds

112.                       are not eligible for funding from government or other sources.

Selected EOIs will then be invited to submit a full application.

Expressions of Interest close: Saturday, 5 February 2022, 11.59pm.

Contact: 9367 1211 or foundation@rscoffice.com

Bennelong Foundation Grants Round 1 2022 EOI

The Bennelong Foundation’s funding areas are: education, training and employment – programs providing access, equity and inclusion opportunities to education and training or that support and build pathways to sustainable employment; and community health and wellbeing – to assist organisations that conduct programmes with the express purpose of improving the physical health, nutrition, and well-being of the Australian community.

Target Communities:

113.                       Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

114.                       People with a refugee background, newly arrived migrants and culturally and linguistically diverse communities

115.                       Communities/groups experiencing socio-economic disadvantage ​​

Grants of up to $30,000 are available.

The Foundation seeks to support programs that respond to an identified area of need in the community that are presently not being addressed, or that take a new approach to problem solving. Ideally, such programs, if successful, should be able to be replicated in other locations or contexts.

A focus on prevention is one of the main criteria. The Foundation endeavours to fund projects that address the causes of problems, rather than treat the symptoms. Longevity and sustainability – they support projects and programs that will continue to have an impact over the long term and beyond their period of support. They also encourage programs that are able to become financially self-sustaining.

The programs must have strong and identifiable outcomes and key performance indicators over both the short and long term.

The preference is to assist organisations that receive little or no government funding and are not currently the benefactor of substantial philanthropic support.

Step 1 is a submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI). Step 2 is an invited application for shortlisted submissions.

The Foundation is only able to accept applications from organisations which carry Deductible Gift Recipient Status, Item 1 of Section30-15 from Australian Taxation Office.

Expressions of Interest close: Friday, 28 January 2022, 5.00pm.

Wettenhall Environment Trust 2022 Small Environmental Grant Scheme

The Wettenhall Environment Trust provides support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban. They support grassroots organisations and individuals, and academics who are working with on-ground community groups.

They are looking for projects about flora and fauna conservation around Australia. These projects should involve any of the following:

116.                       monitoring, recording and sharing data

117.                       delivering community education

118.                       providing community capacity building (e.g. training)

119.                       research and science

Grants are usually under $10,000, but can be bigger.

The Trust funds:

120.                       Projects that directly make positive changes to biodiversity conservation in Australia.

121.                       Projects should have some short term outputs, but also have long term objectives and values.

122.                       Projects that show the following: enthusiasm, collaboration, passion, innovation

123.                       Projects that use citizen science

124.                       Projects that are about community education relating to conservation

125.                       They can fund equipment, wages, travel or what is essential to you carrying out the project.

Rounds open:

126.                       1 December 2021 (funding released February 2022)

127.                       1 April 2022 (funding released May 2022)

128.                       1 July 2022 (funding released August 2022)

129.                       1 October 2022 (funding released November 2022)

130.                       1 December 2022 (funding released February 2023)

NSW Government Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund

The primary objectives of the NSW Government Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund are to: increase the number and type of multi-sport facilities; improve the standard of existing multi-sport facilities; increase the utilisation of sport facilities; support the equitable provision of, and access to multi-sport facilities to grow sport participation for women and girls; and provide inclusive and accessible multi-sport facilities that support sport participation for people with disability, First Nations peoples and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Secondary objectives of the Fund are to: establish a diversified funding model; improve operational sustainability; and promote and incorporate environmental sustainability and climate resiliency into design, construction and operation.

The Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund grants are for the capital cost of the project only. Applicants are responsible for project administration costs, non-fixed or movable equipment and the ongoing operation of the facility.

The grant amount requested by an applicant must be a minimum of $1 million and cannot exceed $5 million. All applications are required to provide a minimum 50% financial co-contribution of the grant amount requested (e.g. if an applicant’s grant amount requested is $2 million, they must demonstrate at least a $1 million financial co-contribution). A Hardship Form will be available to applicants that cannot meet the requirement. The Grant Assessment Panel, at its total discretion, will decide whether a hardship application is accepted.

Eligible applicants are:

131.                       Local government authorities in New South Wales

132.                       Regional Joint Organisations of councils, the Lord Howe Island Board and the Unincorporated Far West groups

133.                       NSW Office of Sport recognised NSW State Sporting Organisations and State Sporting Organisations for People with Disability (including National Sporting Organisations where the state body is part of a unitary governance model)

134.                       Incorporated, community-based, not-for-profit sporting organisations (clubs and associations whose primary purpose is to organise sporting activities/deliver sport programs)

135.                       Organisations providing sport and recreation programs that benefit the community, such as PCYCs, YMCA and YWCA

136.                       NSW based professional sporting organisations competing in a national or state competition

137.                       Private enterprises (for-profit organisations).

Applications involving partnerships between groups are encouraged and will be considered favourably, for example a council or sport and a Department of Education specialist sport high school. A council may submit an application on behalf of a sporting club or association, however council will be the grant recipient and responsible for project delivery.

Applications close: Friday, 25 February 2022, 1.00pm.

Cross Border Sport Fund

The COVID-19 Cross Border Sport Fund is part of the NSW Government’s financial support for the sport and active recreation sector, targeting NSW border grassroot clubs and associations that have been impacted by COVID-19

Important dates

138.                       Program Open for applications Wednesday 10 November 2021

139.                       Program Closes for applications 1:00pm AEDT, Monday 28 February 2022

Funding availability

Eligible applicants  can apply for funding up to $1,000 (excl. GST).

Future Drought Fund: Drought Resilient Soils and Landscapes Grants


The Australian Government is inviting applicants/organisations via an open process under the Future Drought Fund: Drought Resilient Soils and Landscapes Grants Program.  


The objective of the program is to trial and demonstrate how scaling of particular practices (or combinations of practices) to improve management of natural capital can build drought resilience. 

Through this, the program aims to create and communicate an evidence base and case studies that contribute to scaling out the successful practices.


We are looking for projects that address all of the following:

140.                       targeted at improving the drought resilience of agriculture 

141.                       involve trial and demonstration of practices to improve management of natural capital in ways that directly support drought resilience

142.                       focused on achieving and measuring impacts at scale, particularly landscape scale

143.                       provide case studies to support scaling out of successful practices through robust monitoring, measurement and communication of project impacts

144.                       are valued between $500,000 and $1 million

145.                       delivered over April 2022 to June 2024.


Close Date & Time: 11-Jan-2022 9:00 pm (ACT Local Time)


Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant

Applying for a growth grant

The Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services as part of the Sector Readiness Fund, provides capacity building grants of up to $100,000 to mission-driven for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, allowing them to secure investment capital to scale their social impact. Growth grants will be available until June 2022 and interested parties should submit their Expression of Interest by 15 March 2022.

We know that many mission-driven organisations in Australia have the potential to scale and increase their impact, but need investment in the form of equity and/or debt to do so.

We also know that raising capital can be challenging and often intimidating. Support from capacity building intermediaries can be invaluable at this stage – for instance to build the financial model, get the legal structuring of the organisation right, develop the Information Memorandum, and engage with potential investors. However, paying for such support can be a challenge in itself.

This is where the Growth Grant comes in. We provide grants to mission-driven organisations to pay for the capacity building support needed to raise capital and fast-track their growth and scale of impact.


All grant funds must be used to pay for capacity building services from external intermediaries (Providers) that are directly related to your investment readiness and securing capital. The support financed by the grant must get you all the way to your capital raising.

The support needed is largely dependent on the characteristics of your organisation, but often includes:

146.                       Financial modelling and preparation of the investment case

147.                       Preparation of term sheets, legal documentation and information memorandum

148.                       Review of the organisation’s constitution and legal structuring

149.                       Liaison with and introductions to investors

The key eligibility criteria for grant applicants are:

150.                       Your organisation is based in Australia

151.                       Your organisation has a mission at its core that aims to solve a predominantly Australia-based social problem

152.                       You have a sustainable and validated business model and a solid track record with the product/service you are planning to scale

153.                       Your organisation has at least $100,000 in revenue

154.                       You are planning to raise equity and/or debt financing within the next year

155.                       You are planning to use the grants funds to pay for external capacity building support that helps you to raise capital

 More information available here – https://impactinvestingaustralia.com/application-guidelines/

Australian Government National Suicide Prevention Leadership & Support Program

The National Suicide Prevention Leadership & Support Program grants will provide funding for a range of activities aimed at reducing suicide deaths and suicidal behaviour across the Australian population and particularly among at risk populations and communities. Applications may be submitted under one or more activities.

To be eligible you must:

156.                       have an Australian Business Number (ABN);

157.                       be registered for the purposes of GST;

158.                       be a permanent resident of Australia;

159.                       have an account with an Australian financial institution; and

160.                       be located in Australia.

And you must be one of the following entity types:

161.                       a company incorporated in Australia;

162.                       a company incorporated by guarantee;

163.                       an incorporated association;

164.                       a partnership;

165.                       an Australian local government body;

166.                       an Australian state or territory government body; or

167.                       an Indigenous Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

You can be one of the following:

168.                       a joint (consortium) application with a lead organisation;

169.                       a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation;

170.                       a publicly funded research organisation as defined in the Glossary; or

171.                       an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust (where you apply as a trustee on behalf of a trust, please apply using the trustee name, not the name of the trust).

Applications close: Friday, 28 January 2022, 2.00pm.

Contact: 6289 5600 or Grant.ATM@health.gov.au

NSW Government Access to Justice Innovation Fund Round 3

The Access to Justice Innovation Fund provides grants of between $50,000 and $250,000 to support innovative projects designed to improve the way legal problems are solved. You must clearly demonstrate how your low cost, high impact project can reduce barriers to the justice system, particularly for socially and economically disadvantaged communities.

Priority will be given to proposals addressing access to justice concerns for:

172.                       Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

173.                       Regional and remote communities

174.                       Communities experiencing disadvantage.

Projects could include those that aim to:

175.                       explore new approaches to the delivery of legal assistance services and the resolution of legal problems

176.                       help people to navigate and access the justice system

177.                       promote collaborative approaches to reducing barriers to justice

178.                       demonstrate how technology can improve access to, and user experience of, the justice system.

Applications are open to non-government organisations, not-for-profit organisations, or businesses that provide services to people living in NSW.

Applications close: Friday, 11 February 2022, midnight.

NSW Performing Arts Relaunch Package

Applications are open for the NSW Performing Arts Relaunch Package.

The aim of this package is to relaunch the performing arts sector in line with the NSW Government roadmap to recovery.

This package is an extension of the original Performing Arts COVID Support Package that was designed to support the sector while in lockdown.

This new package is designed to assist the sector to relaunch by providing certainty and confidence as audiences return to theatres and other performance venues.

Key dates

Applications are now open. Submissions close at 5:00PM 31 December 2021 (AEDT).

Funding will cover eligible performances from 19 September 2021 to 31 December 2021.

More information available here – NSW Performing Arts Relaunch Package – Create NSW

Local Government Authorities Arts & Cultural Projects Funding

Local Government Authority Arts & Cultural Projects Funding supports Local Government arts and cultural projects that are essential to a contemporary, innovative and strong arts and cultural ecology in NSW. It aims to:

179.                       build on the commitment by Local Councils to deliver hard and soft infrastructure to support arts and cultural activities across the State

180.                       provide funding for projects that deliver great arts and cultural outcomes for audiences

181.                       support the employment of artists and arts, cultural and museum workers to produce new work and

182.                       partner with others to create unique experiences, events, and activities.

Applications close 24 January 2022, 5pm AEDT.


RAF Cultural Tourism Accelerator Program

The Cultural Tourism Accelerator Program offers $5 million as part of the Regional Arts Fund (RAF) to develop and promote arts and cultural events for tourists across regional Australia. The program is set to increase visitation in regional, rural and remote communities across Australia by providing financial support for arts and cultural activity.


The Cultural Tourism Accelerator Program aims to:

183.                       Support place-based programs to increase visitation

184.                       Build consumer confidence and activate engagement

185.                       Drive engagement across communities and between regions

186.                       Support sector-led responses.


Targeted Marketing Campaign $10,000

A strategic and targeted marketing campaign to achieve a particular visitation outcome. The campaign will accompany an existing project, event, festival, venue or annual program.

Open: 10.1.22 @9am

Close: 10.2.22 @ midnight

Projects must begin after 1.4.22


Experience Initiative $10,000

An initiative that adds an offer or experience to an existing program, to increase visitation or extend the visitor experience of ‘place’.

Open: 10.1.22 @9am

Close: 10.2.22 @ midnight

Projects must begin after 1.4.22


Partnership Initiative $15,000

An initiative that develops a partnership with hospitality, accommodation, retail or events businesses to increase visitation and develop cross markets.

Open: 10.1.22 @9am

Close: 10.2.22 @ midnight

Projects must begin after 1.4.22



Who can apply?

Individuals, Australian Incorporated Associations and Local Government organisations that are located in MM2-MM7.


What is MM2 – MM7?

MM stands for Monash Model, It is an Australian Government regional classification system that is used by the Regional Arts Fund to determine eligibility.

To find out if your location is eligible:

187.                       Go to https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/health-workforce-locator/health-workforce-locator

188.                       Click on Modified Monash Model 2019

189.                       Enter your address in the “find address” button

190.                       Click ‘search location’ and your MM classification will be shown


Open for applications — Soil Science Challenge

Applications are now open for new projects that add to Australia’s soil health knowledge and address soil-related research priorities: soil carbon dynamics; soil hydrology; soil biology and nutrients; or soil/root interface.

The competitive process is aimed at research organisations, with applications being accepted for up to $5 million total funding over 4 years for the Soil Science Challenge.

The Challenge is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to a
$214.9 million National Soil Package to implement the National Soil Strategy.

Applications close at 9:00 pm AEDT on 14 February 2022.

Information about applying for this round can be found on the Community Grants Hub website and GrantConnect.

Harvard Club of Australia Ferris Family Fellowships 2022

The Harvard Club of Australia (HCA), in partnership with the Australian Scholarships Foundation, is supporting not-for-profit leaders with an opportunity to study at Harvard Business School in the United States. Two Fellowships are available to attend the six-day course “Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management” in July 2022.

This program delivers the strategic perspectives, practical frameworks, and leadership skills you need to drive high performance across the organization. You will leave prepared to take decisive action and create a more responsive, successful, and sustainable nonprofit organisation.

The award of $A15,000 each covers the course fees, accommodation, meals and travel to/from Boston.

Who should attend: Not-for-profit executive directors and chief executive officers who are responsible for shaping the direction, mission, policies, and major programs of their organisations – and who have been in their current role for at least one year by the program start date. 

The applicant must lead a not-for-profit organisation that:

191.                       Has at least 5 full-time employees and an operating budget greater than AUS$1.5 million

192.                       Directly serves the Australian community and is not principally a fundraising, advocacy or coordinating entity

193.                       Has a functioning Board of Directors; is audited and produces an Annual Report

194.                       Meets the Australian definition of a Non-profit, with Deductible Gift Recipient 1 (DGR1) status

Applications close: Sunday, 13 February 2022, 11.59pm.

James N. Kirby Foundation 2021 Small Grants

The James N. Kirby Foundation considers grant requests under the following four categories, seeking to support organisations and programs whose work benefits: Education and Technology; The Environment; Health; and Social Welfare, and The Arts. The Foundation seeks to support projects and organisations whose work:


195.                       is innovative in nature;

196.                       will be capacity building;

197.                       will inspire and provide lasting social change.


Small grants encapsulate funding from $3,000 to $15,000.


The James N. Kirby Foundation can only consider requests from organisations with current Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsement.

Applications close: 14 February 2022.

Contact: 9212 2711 or information@kirbyfoundation.com.au


NSW Regional Business Event Development Fund

The NSW Regional Business Event Development Fund is designed to help stakeholders create, attract and support exciting business events for regional NSW and to support new business event initiatives. The Fund aims to enrich these business events with opportunities offered by iconic towns and regions, while helping secure successful conferences and events for their future. 

The four streams of the program are:

199.                       Creation of a New Business Event – To encourage towns and regions to create their own new conferences and business events.

200.                       Attraction of an Existing Business Event – To assist rural and regional NSW to secure conferences, business events and major expos. The business event should have been held previously in a capital city, interstate or overseas and funding is being sought to bring the event to a regional NSW location.

201.                       Support for an Existing Business Event – To support events that are held in regional NSW and may rotate between locations. Funds must be used to drive increased visitation for the event.

202.                       Support for a Business Event Project – To assist rural and regional NSW to implement business event projects or initiatives aimed at driving growth in the visitor economy of regional NSW. This may take the form of a business event series or roadshow; a specific element of a business event where the main event is being held in a capital city or interstate; or a small-scale infrastructure project designed specifically to support growth in business events.


What level of funding is available?

An Applicant may apply for funding based on the following scale:

203.                       Up to $15,000 (ex GST) for a business event with up to 150 delegates (projected attendance)

204.                       Up to $30,000 (ex GST) for a business event with over 150 delegates (projected attendance)

Applications submitted prior to 5:00pm AEDT Monday 31 January 2022 will be assessed on a first-come-first-served basis until the funds have been expended. Funding is to be matched dollar-for-dollar by local communities, councils, entrepreneurs, associations, corporations, professional conference organisers or grants received by other local, state or federal government agency. 


Who can apply for funding?

The Fund is open to local government, local tourism organisations, convention organisers, chambers of commerce, business events industry operators, industry associations, sole traders, corporations and professional conference organisers which are looking to create or host a business event in regional NSW. Applicants who have received funding for a business event previously may be eligible to apply for funding under the third stream – Support of an Existing Business Event. Political parties are ineligible to apply. 

How to apply?

All applications for the Fund are to be submitted via the online portal. Applications submitted prior to 5:00pm AEDT Monday 31 January 2022 will be assessed on a first-come-first-served basis until the funds have been expended.

Australian Government Preparing Australian Communities Program: Local Stream

The Preparing Australia Program will support projects that mitigate or reduce the disaster risk, impact and consequence associated with large-scale natural hazards. The objectives of the Preparing Australia Program are to: improve the long-term resilience of Australian communities and households to natural hazards including bushfires, floods and tropical cyclones; and deliver disaster risk reduction projects that reduce hazard exposure or vulnerability and are aligned with the recommendations of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements and the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework.

The intended outcome of the Preparing Australia Program is to reduce the impact of natural hazards on Australian communities, including by:

205.                       increasing disaster preparedness and resilience

206.                       reducing the cost of recovery following future disasters

207.                       reducing the time to recover following future disasters

208.                       encouraging reductions in insurance premiums through a reduction in disaster risk.


You can apply if you meet the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria are a set of rules that describe who we can consider for this grant. You can apply if you:

209.                       are an eligible entity

210.                       have eligible expenditure.

To be eligible you must:

211.                       have an Australian business number (ABN).

and be one of the following entities:

212.                       an entity incorporated in Australia

213.                       a company limited by guarantee

214.                       an incorporated association

215.                       an incorporated not for profit organisation

216.                       a non-distributive co-operative

217.                       an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust

218.                       a Regional Development Australia Committee

219.                       an Australian local governing agency or body as defined in the glossary, including the Australian Capital Territory Government

220.                       an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006- external site
a registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land council

221.                       Mount Hotham Alpine Resort Management Board (ABN: 93 938 780 598), the Southern Alpine Resort Management Board (ABN 80 841 224 798), the Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board (ABN: 21 789 770 569), or the Mt Buller and Mt Stirling Resort Management Board (ABN: 44 867 982 534).

Applications close: 6 January 2022.

Contact: 132 846 or enquiries@industry.gov.au

Department of Health Home Care Packages Program COVID-19 Vaccination Support Grants

The purpose of the Home Care Packages Program COVID-19 Vaccination Support Grants is to provide additional support to Home Care Package (HCP) providers to increase COVID-19 vaccinations in the home care workforce and provide accurate reports on the vaccination status of the workforce to the Australian Government.

To be eligible to apply you must:

222.                       be a corporation;

223.                       be an approved HCP provider under Part 7A Division 2 Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018;

224.                       have at least one care recipient in your care as at 5 November 2022;

225.                       commit to reporting staff vaccination status weekly through the My Aged Care portal.

If a provider is not already reporting weekly on the vaccination status of all staff at all outlets, providers will have one month from receiving the grant to start reporting weekly.

Close Date & Time:  28-Jan-2022 2:00 pm

Contact: Health Grants Team, 6289 5600 or Grant.ATM@health.gov.au

Australian Government Stronger Communities Programme Round 7

The Stronger Communities Programme provides each of the 151 Federal electorates with $150,000 to fund small capital projects. These projects aim to improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant viable communities. Federal Members of Parliament (MPs) identify potential projects and invite applications from their electorate.

The program intends to encourage and support participation in local projects, improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant and viable communities. Round 7 of the program will continue to support Australia’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. For this special round, grant funding will be up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs except for local governing bodies where grant funding will be up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs.

Community consultation is a critical element of the program. In consultation with their community, each MP must identify potential applicants and projects in their electorate and invite them to apply for a grant. Invited applications will be assessed against the program’s eligibility criteria through a closed non-competitive process.

Each electorate has total funding of up to $150,000 that can be allocated to successful applications. A maximum of 20 projects will be funded in each electorate.

Your grant request must be between $2,500 and $20,000.


To be eligible, you must:

226.                       be invited to apply by your MP

227.                       have an Australian business number (ABN)

You must also be one of the following incorporated entities:

228.                       an incorporated not for profit organisation

229.                       an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust with responsibility for a community asset or property

230.                       a local governing body as defined by the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995

Applications close: 19 January 2022.

Contact: Your local Federal MP.

Close date: 19 Jan 2022 05:00 PM AEDT.

Related item:

Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant

The Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant (EDAEG) adopts a number of strategies to develop and support Aboriginal people through the creation of training and employment opportunities. Promoting diversity, innovation and service responsiveness in the NSW workforce, the Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant subsidises the salary, development and support costs of Aboriginal employees in public service agencies and local government authorities.

Grant Elements

231.                       Permanent Employment – $30,000 up to $40,000 (dependant on level of position) to support permanent employment.

232.                       Temporary Secondment – $20,000 up to $40,000 (dependant on level of position) to support a temporary position of up to 12 months that offers significant skill development for a permanent employee.

233.                       School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships – $10,000 one off payment to support school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.



Organisations applying for funding under the EDAEG must be registered, based in NSW and provide services within the State.

To be eligible, organisations must be a:

234.                       NSW public service agency; or

235.                       NSW local government authority operating under the Local Government Act 1993.

Submissions close midnight 30 June 2022

How to Apply

Applications for the 2021/2022 funding round are now open and can be accessed at aboriginalinitiatives.smartygrants.com.au/

For more information


Darrell Brown – Elsa Dixon Program Manager
M: 0421 382 507

The Honda Foundation 2022 Funding & Vehicle Loan Programs

The Honda Foundation provides grants for financial assistance to charities and organisations working across a range of issues, including supporting the disadvantaged, people with disability or those suffering from illness; relief for victims of natural disasters; promotion of innovation and new technologies.

The Honda Foundation Cash Funding Application Form should be used for requests for monetary funding.

In addition, The Honda Foundation offers a 12-month Vehicle Loan Program which includes registration, insurance and all servicing costs, and is capped at 20 loan vehicles at any one time. Applications are to be made using The Honda Foundation Hero Loan Vehicle form.

236.                       Step 1: Complete application form.

237.                       Step 2: Locate your nearest authorised Motor Vehicle Honda Centre and request to speak with the Dealer Principal.

238.                       Step 3: If the Dealer Principal endorses your application, the application needs to be submitted by via email.

Applications close:

239.                       Round 1: 4 February 2022.

240.                       Round 2: 5 August 2022.

Regional Arts Touring

Regional Arts Touring funding supports projects that provide access to arts and culture for audiences living in regional NSW.

Funding is available for tours of all artforms, including performing arts, music, visual arts, literature, history, museums and multi-arts. Applicants should demonstrate strong audience development and engagement strategies.

It aims to:

241.                       provide people in regional NSW with access to a high calibre and diverse range of artistic and cultural experiences, no matter where they live.

242.                       support best practice programming in regional and rural facilities.

243.                       build audiences by encouraging and promoting regional and local support for arts and culture.

244.                       build the viability of NSW arts and cultural organisations by developing new markets and audiences.

What can I apply for?

Funding is available for a wide range of touring activity which may include but is not limited to:

245.                       a Sydney-based dance company touring to three regional NSW destinations and delivering workshops with young people

246.                       a regional NSW theatre organisation touring a performance to one Western Sydney and two regional NSW locations

247.                       an artist/curator from Western Sydney touring an exhibition to multiple regional NSW galleries

248.                       a band touring regional NSW to support an album release.

Funding is not available under this program for filmmaking and screen production, mainstream animation and film festivals (see screen.nsw.gov.au for funding opportunities in this area).

When can I apply for funding? 

There are two opportunities to apply for funding during the 2021/22 financial year:

Round 1

Opens Tuesday 28 September 2021 and closes 5pm AEDT, Monday 25 October 2021.

Round 2

Opens Monday 14 March 2022 and closes 5pm AEST, Tuesday 19 April 2022.

More information available here – Regional Arts Touring – Create NSW


ALEA provides small grants for schools and teachers who wish to conduct research inquiries with a focus on literacy education and with the support of an academic partner. Contingent upon available funding, grants of up to $5000 may be awarded per year, although priority will be given to smaller grants in order to support as many research projects as possible. In addition ALEA will also cover the cost of an early bird conference registration for the applicant and the academic partner to attend a national ALEA conference.

Applications for ALEA Research Grants are due by 15 October each year.


Grant Details

Grant studies may be carried out using any research methods so long as the focus of the project is on literacy development and learning within the school context. Activities such as developing new programs or instructional materials are not eligible for funding.

Upon completion of the project the findings must be disseminated in the form of an article for an ALEA journal and/or conference presentation at the ALEA national conference. Recipients should take this into consideration when constructing the budget. (Note that article submissions will be subject to the usual ALEA journal review process.)

All applicants must be individual members of the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association and there must be at least one practising classroom teacher K-12 with fulltime responsibilities. Applicants must include an academic partner who is willing to guide and facilitate and work with the teacher(s) and school throughout the duration of the project.

Applications are due by 15 October each year. Download the Research Award Guidelines and 2019 -2020 Application Cover Sheet (in Word).

More information available here – https://www.alea.edu.au/grantsawards/alea-research-grant/


Culture, Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism (CHART) program – Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA)

The $3 million Culture, Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism (CHART) program is an Australian Government program that aims to support community cultural, heritage and arts organisations in regional Australia as they recover from the impacts of COVID-19.

The Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA) is implementing the CHART program on behalf of the Australian Government.

The CHART program promotes participation in, and access to, Australia’s arts and culture through developing and supporting cultural expression and sharing stories of community and historical significance. Community museums, galleries and historical societies in regional Australia will benefit from CHART program funding. The program will support these organisations to continue to offer appealing cultural tourism experiences to visitors, which in turn will enhance local expenditure.

The intended outcomes of CHART program grants are to:

249.                       Contribute to the reactivation and recovery of organisations from COVID-19, and to their ongoing sustainability, by providing grants for eligible activities

250.                       Promote regional arts tourism by supporting the development of appealing cultural tourism experiences, including through the preservation of Australia’s cultural heritage and the telling of the stories of local communities and

251.                       Support domestic intra- and inter-state tourism and local economies more broadly.

Grants of up to $3,000 (plus GST where applicable) are available in the 2021-22 financial year to support organisations to reinvigorate the preservation and presentation of Australia’s cultural heritage. CHART grants only support new projects.

The CHART program opens for applications in late September 2021 and closes to applications on 29 April 2022, subject to the available funds.  Applications will be assessed in batches of 100, through a rolling evaluation process. 

AMaGA encourages organisations to submit applications at the earliest opportunity.

A Guide to Government COVID assistance for the Arts 2021

How to use this guide

This guide sets out various assistance initiatives that are being provided by federal and state/territory governments in response to the continuing COVID-19 impacts in 2021.

In order to assist artists and arts workers, the guide is ordered as follows:

252.                       measures applicable to arts organisations and individual artists;

253.                       measures are then ordered by relevance to arts organisations and individual artists.

254.                       More information available here – Guide to government COVID-19 assistance for the arts 2021 – Australia Council for the Arts   

People with disabilities of any age living in Australia may apply for any assistance to help with both formal and informal education. While people may need assistance to complete the application, we would like a letter in the persons own words telling us why they want to learn.

Education is continuously growing, developing, changing, so many people undertake courses to begin again the education they never completed or to keep abreast with these new developments. With the development of technology, education has become more accessible for people with disabilities leading to people completing higher levels of education which in turn can lead to more complex and skilled work.

For many people with disabilities from both indigenous and non-indigenous backgrounds, education can go a long way to not only developing their skills but also their self esteem and the pride of their family, friends and community. For many, a small financial grant will enable them to undertake a course.

This education fund is about helping people complete or undertake courses and programs through providing small grants. Our fund is looking to distribute small quarterly grants of up to $2,500 to assist people with disabilities to continue their learning.

Deadlines for Applications

March 31st & September 30th each year.

More information available here – http://www.adipef.org.au/

Create NSW COVID Development Grants


Individual artists and small to medium arts and cultural organisations impacted by COVID-19 restrictions can now apply for COVID Development Grants from Create NSW to support the development of new work. Targeted support of up to $5,000 is available for individuals and groups, and up to $10,000 for organisations in the small-to-medium sector in NSW who have been adversely impacted by the pandemic.


Funding is available for the creation, development and presentation of new works, employment of artists and arts and culture workers, skills development and training, marketing, fundraising and promotional costs, workshops and other public programs, and to purchase equipment or digital resources to deliver new programs and projects.


Applications close: 31 January 2022.

Contact: 8289 6520 or arts.funding@create.nsw.gov.au

Connellan Airways Trust Grants

General Grants

General grants can be used to fund a diverse range of activities. Specific projects, travel costs, education and skill building, technology (communications), community experiences, and a range of other options that align with the vision of the Trust.

The Trust aims to improve social and economic outcomes for people in Outback Australia.


Along with eligibility, partial consideration is given to the following for prospective recipients:

255.                       Advancement of education, health and wellbeing for an individual or those supported through an organisation.

256.                       Extension of skills and services in Outback Australia with the intention to remain, return, or assist residents of such places.

257.                       Innovation and passion projects that will directly impact people in communities of Outback Australia.

258.                       Financial assistance as required

259.                       Other outcomes which may not be covered by the above

Applications for general grants are considered 4 times a year.  Applications are to be received by the Executive Officer by the 15th of February, May, August and November each year

More information available here – https://www.connellanairwaystrust.org.au/general-grants

Outback Major Grants

Outback Major Grants aims to address contemporary challenges faced by isolated, rural and remote living and working. Connellan Airways Trust Directors invite Expressions of Interest for this major funding initiative, relevant to the annual theme and objective.

Projects that fit this intent will be:

260.                       Working towards enhancing technology, communications, and connectivity across isolated, rural, and remote (Outback) Australia

261.                       Emerging technology that can address causes of immediate challenges

262.                       Innovative trials, or research and development, or education that support agricultural and remote service industries.

This program has a two-stage application. The first stage is an EOI.  All EOIs are reviewed and selected applicants are then invited to proceed to the second stage and submit a full application through our online application process. EOI’s are open from 1 March through to 30 April 


Australian Bird Environment Foundation

The Australian Bird Environment Foundation (ABEF) is a Trust Fund established in 1983 by the Bird Observers Club of Australia (now BirdLife Australia) to support practical, on ground, conservation activities. ABEF carries out its objectives by using the income from its investments to provide small grants to conservation projects Australia-wide.


ABEF Community Grants

BirdLife Australia has worked with ABEF Trustees to align the ABEF grants program with the organisation’s conservation programs and priorities. The Fund will continue to support practical community-based projects which deliver bird and habitat conservation impacts.

ABEF is now accepting applications. Application forms together with supporting documents must be received by no later than 30 April each year.

The three grants available through ABEF include:

1. ABEF community grants

Multiple grants of (generally) up to $5,000 for ‘hands-on’ community projects, which support participation in BirdLife Australia’s core programs (eg grants for signage, workshops etc). Community groups will be encouraged to become an Affiliated Group of BirdLife Australia and work with program staff. BirdLife Australia’s programs are identified in the information sheet that can be downloaded below.

2. Network capacity-building grants

Multiple grants of (generally) up to $5,000 for BirdLife Australia’s branches, groups, reserves and observatories to support work which implement’s BirdLife Australia’s programs (e.g. establishing a local IBA, or priority Atlas survey sites) and strategy.

NSWALC 2021/22 Community Fund Grants NOW OPEN

The 2009 amendments to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 introduced the Community Development Levy to “evenly spread the wealth from land councils with more valuable land holdings to those councils with less valuable land and development opportunities”.

This mechanism levies certain LALC land dealings and, with matching contributions from NSWALC, generates funds in the NSWALC Community Fund (NCF). Monies from the NCF are to be made available “on the basis of need so as to increase resources and assets available for less advantaged Local Aboriginal Land Councils”.

Following a consultation process with the Land Rights Network, the Council developed the [NCF Policy], which sets out what grants from Fund can be used for, how LALC eligibility is determined, and on what basis grant applications will be assessed.

In 2019 NSWALC undertook an in-depth review of the Policy and further consulted with the Land Rights Network on proposed amendments to broaden the scope of eligible activities which were approved by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs in March 2020. Council further approved a suite of amendments to the NCF Procedures to improve the administration of the program, increase the funding available for projects and tailor the program administration to meet the needs of LALC projects.

Eligible LALCs can now apply for a grant of up to $150,000 (ex GST) for the following purposes;

Land acquisition, where all other avenues for funding have been exhausted; and

Land management, in relation to land in which the LALC has a legal interest.

Projects which demonstrate clear community outcomes which are consistent with the ‘Functions of Local Aboriginal Land Councils’ under the ALRA.

Only less advantaged LALCs are eligible for to seek a grant from the Fund. For purposes of the NCF Policy, ‘less advantaged’ defined as having net land assets (not including jointly managed National Parks or former missions and reserves) worth less than the Local Aboriginal Land Council network average. NSWALC consulted with the LALCs on their proposed Eligibility in May 2020, prior to the opening of the NCF Grants Round. LALC Eligibility has now been finalised.

How to apply

Applications for a grant from the Fund is in two stages as follows;

Stage 1 – Expression of Interest (EOI)

Eligible LALCs will now complete an EOI, available for download here and can be submitted to grants@alc.org.au at any time during the 2020/22 Financial Year.

Before commencing your application, please ensure you have read the following documents;

Stage 2 – Project Proposal Development

Following the submission of an EOI, Program Implementation Unit staff will be in contact to provide support in the development of your Project Proposal.

More information

EOIs can be submitted at any time during the financial year – on-going.

If you have any questions, please contact the NSWALC Program Implementation Unit on (02) 9689 4444 or email grants@alc.org.au.


PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation

What is the PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation?

Established in 1975, the PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation provides grants to promote and encourage music and the music-related performing arts.

The grants provided are non-recurring (i.e. one-off grants rather than a periodical payment) and are determined by the four trustees of the trust.

Two (including the Chairman) are appointed by the PPCA;

263.                       One is appointed by the Musicians’ Union of Australia;

264.                       One is appointed by the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (formerly Actors’ Equity)

On what basis can you apply for a grant?

All applications for grants are reviewed by the trustees and must be for one or more of the following purposes:

265.                       Performances at concerts at or for charitable institutions such as hospitals or homes for the aged;

266.                       Scholarships for the promotion and encouragement of musical and theatrical education;

267.                       The promotion and encouragement of the performing arts to the general public;

268.                       The aid or assistance of any beneficiary who is unable to adequately maintain herself/himself by her/his own exertions and other income

What can you use the grant for?

A grant under the PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation can be used for costs associated with the above, including:

·         Tuition fees;

·         Travel costs (hire, airfares, petrol);

·         Accommodation;

·         Venue hire/ PA hire

A grant cannot be used to cover wages, salaries, commissions etc.

Is there a limit to how much you can apply for?

There is no specified limit.  However, funds are finite and there is no guarantee that you will receive all or any of the funds you request.

It is unusual for grants to be approved in excess of :

269.                       $3,000 for an individual; or

270.                       $5,000 for a group or organisation

What should you include in your application?

There’s no specific format for applications except that they must be in writing and include the Standard Cover Sheet. If you include the following information in your application it will make it faster and easier for the trustees to evaluate:

271.                       Proof of tuition/study classes e.g., letters from education bodies, receipts;

272.                       A budget, showing accurate costings including any other contributions anticipated;

273.                       A demonstrated need for assistance (financial);

274.                       An outline of the purpose/objective of the course and expected outcomes;

275.                       A willingness to share knowledge/techniques acquired through organised workshops;

276.                       A willingness to report on the value of the course;

277.                       An illustration of the general benefit to the industry derived from the grant

The trust’s funds are limited and all applications are carefully considered before a final decision is made. When making an application, it’s in your best interest to include as much detail and supporting information as possible.

How is your application assessed?

The trustees meet four times a year to consider applications.   Applications are circulated to all trustees prior to each meeting.

How are you notified of the result?

All applicants receive written notification once the trustees have met to consider the applications.

When are applications considered?

The trustees of the trust typically meet four times a year (approximately once every three months) to consider applications. Contact us if you want to find out the date of the next meeting of the trustees.

For more information on the PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation, contact us on (02) 8569 1100 or trust.mail@ppca.com.au

Australian Communities Foundation Grants Program


This program aims to support initiatives that are aligned with the Foundation’s interests.
There are no set minimum and maximum funding limits. The average grant awarded is between $2,000 and $15,000.
The Foundation can only accept two applications per organisation per calendar year.
Applicants must to contact the program administrator prior to submitting an application.


Who Can Apply?

Eligible applicants must:
– Have both TCC (Tax Concession Charity) and DGR Item 1 (Deductible Gift Recipient) endorsements.
– Be based in Australia, or have an Australian auspice partner.

Where organisations provide an auspice for a third party, the third party can submit a maximum of two proposals per calendar year via the auspice arrangement in addition to the two proposals submitted by the auspicing party.


Eligible Activities

Eligible activities include those that address the following focus areas:
– Tackling inequality
– Strengthening democracy
– Supporting Indigenous communities
– Safeguarding the environment
– Building a culturally vibrant society


Balnaves Foundation Grants

This program aims to support eligible organisations that create a better Australia through education, medicine and the arts with a focus on young people, the disadvantaged and Indigenous Australia.
There are no set minimum and maximum funding limits.
A total funding pool of $3 million is available annually.

Who Can Apply?

Eligible applicants include charitable organisations across Australia with DGR 1 status.


Budget Direct

Striving to make a difference in your local community but need a financial leg-up?

As our giving shows, we’re strong believers in supporting local communities.

Not only do we give in the places we work, we also want to help groups — including registered organisations, small community groups, not-for-profits and government bodies — throughout Australia in their efforts to build happy and healthy neighbourhoods.


If your organisation is eligible, you can apply for a Budget Direct sponsorship of $1,000, $2,500, or $5,000.

This one-off cash donation can be spent as your organisation sees fit.


Who can apply?

We support organisations who:

278.                       provide local or statewide community services

279.                       run community awareness and education programs

280.                       promote health and wellbeing (e.g. sports clubs)

281.                       advocate for road safety

282.                       provide emergency services

283.                       support in need or at-risk Australians

284.                       help build strong, vibrant communities.

Please note that we are unable to sponsor:

285.                       individuals

286.                       sports teams

287.                       bodies or activities that don’t reflect our core values

288.                       religious, political or lobby groups

289.                       organisations linked to contentious issues. 

When can I apply – each year there are four rounds of sponsorship

Round 1 – Opens 1 July and closes 30 September 2021

Round 2 – Opens 1 October and closes 31 December 2021

Round 3 – Opens 1 January and closes 31 March 2022

Round 4 – Opens 1 April and closes 30 June 2022

Entrepreneurs’ Programme – Incubator Support Programme

This programme seeks to assist new and existing incubators to improve the prospects of Australian start-ups, including first-generation migrant and refugee founders to achieve commercial success in international markets. It forms part of the Entrepreneurs’ Programme which is the Australian Government’s flagship initiative for business competitiveness and productivity at the firm level.

Funding is provided through two components, both of which require a funding contribution from applicants:

1. New and existing incubators
– Grants between $13,000 and $250,000 are available, with a maximum project duration of 24 months.
– The maximum grant percentage varies depending on the project location as defined in the regional locator tool.
a) Incubators in major cities may receive a maximum grant of 50% of the eligible project value and must make a minimum cash contribution of 30%.
b) Incubators with projects located in regional areas may receive up to 65% of the eligible project value and must make a minimum cash contribution of 15%.
– The application is a two-stage process:
a) Expression of interest
b) Full application (by invitation)

2. Expert in residence
– Grants between $5,000 and 100,000 are available, with a maximum project duration of 12 months.
– The grant amount will be up to 50% of total eligible project value.
– Applicants must make a minimum cash contribution of 30% of the eligible project value.

A total funding pool of $23 million is available.


Create NSW Organisation Funding: Arts & Cultural Funding Program 2021/22 

Create NSW’s Annual Organisation funding is provided on an annual basis to support arts and cultural organisations (including service organisations) to deliver multiple arts and cultural activities. Funding can contribute to any aspect of an organisation’s program throughout a single calendar or financial year. It aims to:

·         increase access by and engagement of diverse audiences and artists

·         improve the quality and excellence of arts and culture in NSW

·         ensure the best practice and sustainability of arts and cultural organisations. 

Funding is available for a wide range of arts and cultural activities, including but not limited to:

290.                       creation of new arts and cultural work, practice-based research or experimentation, and professional development

291.                       production, exhibition, presenting, publishing or recording, touring and festivals

292.                       promotion and marketing

293.                       audience growth and development

294.                       conservation and/or development of collections and archives (including Aboriginal Keeping Places)

295.                       business development activities including new responses to environmental changes

296.                       partnerships, capacity building and sustainability. 

There is no maximum request amount for Annual Organisation funding. However, if you are applying for more than $140,000, you need to consult with Create NSW three weeks before the closing date.

The amount of funding that you can apply for under Project funding is $60,000. However, if as an organisation you wish to apply for more than $60,000 this requires:

297.                       matched funding from non-NSW government sources; and

298.                       consultation with Create NSW staff three weeks prior to the closing date.

Round 1: opens 8 July 2021; closes 18 August 2021.

Round 2: opens 6 December 2021; closes 31 January 2022.

Contact: 8289 6520 or arts.funding@create.nsw.gov.au


Create NSW Creative Koori Projects: Arts & Cultural Funding Program 2021/22

Create NSW’s Creative Koori Projects funding is available only to Aboriginal artists, arts and cultural workers, groups and organisations. It aims to support a strong, resilient and exciting Aboriginal arts and cultural sector for NSW. This will be done by embracing the principles of Aboriginal self-determination and putting Aboriginal artists, arts/cultural workers, organisations and communities at the centre of funded cultural and creative activity.

Funding may be requested for a range of activities including but not limited to:

299.                       NSW Aboriginal cultural development including projects that focus on cultural revitalisation and passing on cultural creative practices and knowledge between generations.

300.                       Contemporary practice that explores new ways of cultural and creative expression. This can include the creation of new work and practice-based research or experimentation.

301.                       Sharing NSW Aboriginal culture through productions, exhibitions, performances, publishing or recording, touring and festivals. This can also include projects that foster collaboration or partnerships with others and market/audience development activity.

302.                       Promoting NSW Aboriginal culture through promotion and marketing activities.

·         Strengthening the NSW Aboriginal arts and cultural sector through a wide range of activities such as:

303.                       creation of employment pathways for Aboriginal artists

304.                       professional development for Aboriginal individuals, groups and organisations

305.                       conservation and/or development of Aboriginal collections and archives of cultural material.

The maximum amount of funding that you can apply for is $60,000.

Round 1: opens 8 July 2021; closes 18 August 2021.

Round 2: opens 6 December 2021; closes 31 January 2022.

Contact: 8289 6520 or arts.funding@create.nsw.gov.au

Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) CALD COVID-19 Health Small Grants

FECCA is working with the Australian Government and other organisations to administer the CALD COVID-19 Health Small Grants Fund. This Fund will help multicultural community groups to lead grassroots communication activities around COVID-19 and the vaccination rollout, targeting CALD communities.

This is funded by the Australian Department of Health and will be implemented in collaboration with The Settlement Council of Australia, Migration Council Australia, and The Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network.

FECCA will administer grants of $2,500, $3,500 or $5,000 to groups or organisations to fund short-term, one-off, communication and outreach projects that aim to achieve the following objectives:

306.                       Address barriers to accessing information on COVID-19 and the vaccination program

307.                       Provide the opportunity for communities to identify and respond to issues and concerns surrounding COVID-19 and the vaccination program

308.                       Provide accurate and culturally relevant information on the COVID-19 Vaccination Program

309.                       Foster community involvement and participation

310.                       Encourage partnerships among community organisations

We will accept applications until the end of January 2022All projects must be completed by 31 March 2022.

Organisations must be a not-for-profit constituted body, such as an incorporated association, or groups must be auspiced by a not-for-profit organisation that is incorporated and be able to accept legal and financial responsibility for the project. 

Groups or organisations must be located within, or deliver a project within, the target community and must have evidence of direct benefit to people in the target community.

Contact: smallgrants@fecca.org.au or 6282 5755.

Department of Health COVID-19 Aged Care Support Program Extension

The COVID-19 Aged Care Support Program Extension will reimburse eligible aged care providers for eligible expenditure incurred on managing direct impacts of COVID-19. The Program will assist Residential Aged Care, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program and Home Care Package providers that are subject to direct COVID-19 impacts, to deliver continuity of safe quality care for consumers.

Eligible applicants can apply for funding for each impacted service for the periods between the date on which the resident, staff member or client is tested for COVID-19 and the date on which direct COVID-19 impacts are resolved (i.e. no infected or isolated residents, staff members or clients).

Eligible applicants are:

311.                       An approved Residential Aged Care provider with one or more services directly impacted by COVID-19; and/or

312.                       An approved National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Provider with one or more services directly impacted by COVID-19; and/or

313.                       An approved Home Care provider one or more services directly impacted by COVID-19.

Program closes: 31 March 2022.

Contact: Health Grants Team, 6289 5600 or grant.ATM@health.gov.au

Create NSW 2021-22 Small Project Grants (Quick Response) for Individuals

Funding of between $500 and $5000 is available to support NSW-based professional artists and arts/cultural workers to build their capability, portfolio of work, audience and/or market. Small Project Grants (Quick Response) funding aims to enable artists and arts/cultural workers to participate in outstanding and relevant time-sensitive opportunities; contribute to the creation, development and/or presentation of new work; and improve the capacity of professionals working in NSW to become arts and cultural leaders.


Examples of projects that may be funded include but not limited to:

314.                       Mentoring, skills development or residency opportunities;

315.                       research and/or development of creative/cultural projects that develop new skills and/or engage with new ways of working including new approaches to museum practice, generating new income from your creative skills and forming cross multi-disciplinary performances;

316.                       an outstanding arts and/or cultural opportunity, such as performing or presenting a work at a nationally or internationally recognised festival, industry event or exhibition; and

317.                       development of new work that would expand their audience. 

Applications close: 30 May 2022.

Contact: 8289 6520 or arts.funding@create.nsw.gov.au

Australia Council for the Arts

Australia Council for the Arts’ Arts Projects (Organisations) Program and Arts Projects (Individuals and Groups) Program are open for applications. The Arts Projects (Organisations) Program funds a range of activities that deliver benefits to the arts sector and wider public, including national and international audiences. Organisations that undertake arts programs, projects or that provide services to artists are welcome to apply. The Arts Projects (Individuals and Groups) Program funds a range of activities that deliver benefits to the arts sector and wider public, including national and international audiences. Grants are available from $10,000 to $50,000. Supported activities must last no longer than two years from the proposed start date.

Applications close: 

318.                       Tuesday 1 March 2022 at 3pm AEDT, for projects beginning after 1 June 2022.

319.                       Tuesday 6 September 2022 at 3pm AEST, for projects beginning after 1 December 2022

More information and application:


Click here to see all currently open grants available from the Australia Council for the Arts – https://australiacouncil.gov.au/investment-and-development/individual-artists-groups-and-organisations/

Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program

The Australian Government is inviting applications through an open competitive process to apply for grant funding under the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program (the program).

The program is designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage; involve people around the country in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations; and promote appreciation and understanding of the experiences of service and the roles that those who served have played in shaping the nation.

There are 2 categories of grants available under the program:

320.                       Community Grants (STS-CG)
Grants to a maximum of $10,000 are available for local, community-based projects and activities.

321.                       Major Grants (STS-MG)
Grants between $10,001 and $150,000 are available for major commemorative projects and activities that are significant from a national, state, territory and/or regional perspective.

If your project involves restoring/changing a memorial, there may be heritage considerations. Information is available from your state or territory government heritage body, or at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs website.

More information about the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program, as well as requirements for applicants, can be found here – Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program | Community Grants Hub

Closing Date & Time 8 February 2022 – 11:00pm AEDT


Harcourts Foundation

Who can apply for a grant from the Harcourts Foundation?

No matter the size of your organisation, the Harcourts Foundation not only gives back to those affected by large scale cataclysmic disasters but to charitable community organisations or assists with helping individuals in need. Grants applications must be requested for a specific event, project or initiative.  DGR status required.

Our current focus We have a clear focus on providing grants to reputable community-based organisations which need funding for projects and initiatives designed to benefit as many people as possible. We will prioritise applications that demonstrate that their grant will have the widest community impact.

Grant Application Rounds 2021/22:

All applications must be received by the last day of the dates noted below.

322.                       Grant Round 49 – 4 February 2021 to 3 May 2021

323.                       Grant Round 50 – 4 May 2021 to 3 August 2021

324.                       Grant Round 51 – 4 August 2021 to 3 November 2021

325.                       Grant Round 52 – 4 November to 3 February 2022.


NSW Small Business / Not-for-profit Organisation Fees & Charges Rebate

Sha Apply for the small business fees and charges rebate re

If you are a sole trader, the owner of a small business or a not-for-profit organisation in NSW, you may be eligible for a small business fees and charges rebate of $1,500. This rebate helps businesses recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and encourages growth by reducing the cost of running a business. Eligible businesses or not-for-profits only need to apply for the rebate once, but can submit multiple claims until the full value of $1,500 is reached.

Funds can be used to offset the costs of eligible NSW and local government fees and charges. These include, but are not limited to:

326.                       food authority licences

327.                       liquor licences

328.                       tradesperson licences

329.                       event fees

330.                       council rates.

331.                        The rebate can only be used for eligible fees and charges due and paid from 1 March 2021. It cannot be used for fines or penalties, fees and charges that have the key purpose of discouraging behaviours or inducing behaviour changes, Commonwealth government charges, rent on government premises, or taxes.  

To be eligible for this rebate, small businesses (including non-employing sole traders) and not-for-profit organisations must:

332.                       have total Australian wages below the NSW Government 2020-2021 payroll tax threshold of $1.2 million

333.                       have an Australian Business Number (ABN) registered in NSW and/or have business premises physically located and operating in NSW

334.                       be registered for goods and services tax (GST)

335.                       provide a declaration that the business has a turnover of at least $75,000 per year.

Note: Only one $1,500 rebate is available for each ABN. Not-for-profit organisations are not subject to the GST requirement but must demonstrate a turnover of more than $75,000 per year.

The rebate will be available until 30 June 2022.

Inland Rail – Community Sponsorships and Donations Program

This program aims to support eligible community groups in running events, projects and activities which contribute to local and regional prosperity, wellbeing and sustainability.

We offer funding between $1000–$4000 for individuals and organisations in regional areas along the Inland Rail route that contribute to local and regional prosperity, well-being and sustainability.

Our funding supports short-term or one-off initiatives like:

336.                       sponsoring local festivals and celebrations

337.                       upgrading sporting facilities

338.                       purchasing new laptops for students

339.                       supporting health and wellbeing groups

340.                       mentoring programs

341.                       hosting guest speakers

The funding round dates each year for projects, events, activities commencing:
– June to August: Opens on 1 February and closes on 30 April
– September to November: Opens on 1 May and closes on 31 July
– December to February: Opens on 1 August and closes on 31 October
– March to May: Opens on 1 November and closes on 31 January


Black Dog Institute Free Workplace Mental Health Training

The Black Dog Institute in partnership with the NSW Government is providing free mental health training to any NSW private sector business with less than 200 employees, and not-for-profit organisations of any size. Nearly 1 in 6 workers experience mental health issues at any one time. This training will benefit everyone in the workplace by helping them better understand their own mental health, know how to support others and how to access support if they (or someone they know) need it.

Research shows that mentally healthy workplaces:

342.                       Attract and retain top talent

343.                       Have more engaged and productive workers

344.                       Have less absenteeism and presenteeism

345.                       Save money, such as through fewer injury claims

Contact: Lucy Rae, 9065 9140 or l.rae@blackdog.org.au

Clubs Grants

ClubGRANTS is one of Australia’s largest grant programs, providing more than $100 million in cash each year to a variety of worthy causes across NSW.

Charities, sporting organisations and not-for-profit community groups are among tens-of-thousands of worthy causes funded through the program each year.

Applying for ClubGRANTS funding is quick and easy. Many organisations that do so have limited resources and cannot afford to spend time and money on unnecessary red-tape and bureaucracy. ClubGRANTS Online recognises this – all funding is processed locally and community groups can contact their local clubs easily and at any time for information and advice. ClubGRANTS Online is also flexible, allowing clubs to provide support quickly, efficiently, and often as soon as a need emerges.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply, you must be a not-for-profit organisation and provide the following project and/or services:

346.                       community welfare or social services,

347.                       community development,

348.                       community health services or employment assistance activities.

You are also eligible if you or your organisation is involved in community or professional sport.

More information can be found here – https://www.clubgrants.com.au/

To find out when your local Club Grants close – look here https://www.clubgrants.com.au/faqs

Women in Business NSW – Online program for NSW Women starting or operating a small business

Women in Business provides women living or working in New South Wales with access to a fully subsidised online program to help them establish a new small business or consolidate an existing small business.


Application detail:

You can apply at any time.


What do you get?

Fully subsidised online business training program with access to resources, events and other services.


Who is this for?

Women in NSW wanting to start, or who is already operating a small business.



This fully subsidised online program is available to help women in New South Wales develop sustainable small businesses.

The program offers:

349.                       24/7 online access to topics that can be mixed and matched to suit your needs

350.                       insights from Australia’s leading female entrepreneurs

351.                       access to small business events

352.                       other resources and services

What are the eligibility criteria?

To be eligible, you must:

353.                       be aged 18 years or over

354.                       identify as female

355.                       be establishing or own a business

356.                       with a valid Australian business number (ABN)

357.                       registered or trading in NSW

358.                       with 0 to 199 employees

359.                       live or work in NSW

360.                       be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen

How do you apply?

You can find out more about eligibility and how to apply at https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/Women-in-Business-NSW


Contact information – 02 9643 4500

Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network (NBMPHN) Community Wellbeing Grants for Bushfire Affected Communities

We are funding these grants through the Federal Government’s response to the bushfire crisis, which is supporting the mental health, wellbeing, resilience and recovery of those affected by the 2019/20 ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires.

Our Community Wellbeing Grants will allow communities to choose their own way to respond to the losses, anxiety and distress they have experienced, as well as actively participate in their recovery.

Who can apply?

Individuals (not organisations or businesses) directly impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires within the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Lithgow areas can apply for up to $1,000 to conduct a community activity in their area that meets the Grant Objectives.

Directly impacted areas include (but may not be limited to): Bell, Berambing, Bilpin, Blackheath, Clarence, Colo, Colo Heights, Dargan, Kurrajong, Kurrajong Heights, Megalong Valley, Mt Irvine, Mt Tomah, Mt Wilson, Mt Victoria, Olinda, Running Stream, St Albans, Woodford and Wolgan Valley.

Grant Applicants are responsible for carrying out the activities described in the application form and identifying an appropriate organisation that can auspice the application. 

Profit-making organisations and/or activities where the profits are allocated to the shareholders, owners or members are not eligible to apply.

How to Apply

361.                       Read the Community Wellbeing Grants Guidelines to understand all the eligibility criteria.

362.                       Download and complete the Community Wellbeing Grants Application Form (PDF) or Community Wellbeing Grants Application Form (Word Version)

363.                       Submit your application form (or a document that addresses the application’s questions) and any supporting material as per details provided in the Application Form.

Please allow 14 days between the date of submission and your proposed activity date. This will ensure our grants team has adequate time to review and process your application. 

Closing Dates There is no deadline. The grants will be open until funding has been exhausted.

Bushfire Legal Aid Scheme – Small Business and Farmers

The Commonwealth Government has provided funding for legal assistance to NSW primary producers and small businesses dealing with legal issues relating to the 2019/2020 bushfires. Under the Scheme, private lawyers will have access to funding to provide legal services.

How does the Scheme work?

If you are an eligible small business owner or primary producer, your solicitor can apply for funding of $2000 to assist you to resolve your legal matter arising from the 2019/20 bushfires, and up to $5000 for related expenses like expert reports. Additional funding is available in reasonable circumstances.

If you have more than one bushfire related legal problem your solicitor may receive separate funding for each problem.

The funding is available for legal issues including, but not limited to:

364.                       Insurance disputes

365.                       Commercial leases

366.                       Contract disputes

367.                       Planning and building law

368.                       Local Government disputes

369.                       Entitlements to government grants and schemes

370.                       Credit and debt

371.                       Banking

372.                       Fencing issues

373.                       Property law

374.                       Employment law issues for employers 


The Copland Foundation

These Copland Foundation Grants fund projects throughout Australia that fall under the umbrella of Alex Copland’s interests, namely:

The study, management, conservation, acquisition, and interpretation of collections;

375.                       The study, management, conservation, acquisition and interpretation of relevant historic architecture,

376.                       The provision of education programs, whether for staff of such museums, institutions, societies, organisations or for the general public,

377.                       The purchase of art works and/or other artefacts, to be identified on public display by the purchaser as a gift from the Copland Foundation.

The Copland Foundation grants are divided into three categories:

378.                       Acquisitions

To assist galleries, museums and historic houses in the acquisition of objects that may come up at auction, the Trustees will consider such applications at any time of the year. All applications must be set out on the appropriate form which requires a description of the object, provenance, a full condition report, as well amount applied for and the benefits of its acquisition to the applying institution. Should an application be successful funds will only be released for the purchase of the object outlined in the application. Whilst on public display, such objects must be identified by the purchaser as a gift from the Copland Foundation.

2. Conservation and 3. Interpretation

Grants will be awarded for the conservation, research and/or interpretation of historic houses or gardens, or collections and individual pieces already held by an institution. Please note that applications seeking funding for a temporary exhibition/display will be judged based on the perceived long-term benefits to the institution.

* Historic Houses

Priority programs are those involving historic houses, their collections and gardens. While grants are not limited to this category, the Trustees will be particularly pleased to receive grant applications that come under this heading.

* Deadlines

Applications for acquisition grants are accepted at any time, while the deadline for those relating to conservation or interpretation projects is November 15th each year. Applications – including all images – should be submitted electronically via the portal on this website. Forms can be downloaded in Word format for this purpose. See guidelines for further details.

* Note

Organisations that receive grants will be required to supply the Copland Foundation with a USB containing photographs and a short piece of text following the acquisition or successful completion of the project. Please refer to the guidelines for further details.

More information available here – https://www.coplandfoundation.com.au/grants


More Australia Council for the Arts opportunities here https://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/funding/

Travel Fund for Literature – $5,000

Individuals or international literary organisations may apply to support authors to travel to attend events or activities associated with publication and promotion of their work overseas.

This funding is to assist with international air fares and other travel costs associated with participation in literary festivals, tours or other promotional events.

There is no closing date for this opportunity


2021-23 Heritage Grants

Emergency Works Grants – open all year around

The Emergency Works Grants are open to all year round to eligible applicants and subject to available funding.

These grants support the protection or repairs to declared Aboriginal Places, items listed on the State Heritage Register, or items with a current Interim Heritage Order that have been damaged by unexpected events (such as an extreme storm or accident) and where your insurance does not cover this cost. Check the NSW State Heritage Inventory to see if your item or place is a declared Aboriginal Place or listed on the State Heritage Register.

Eligibility criteria and details are in the Emergency Works Grants funding guidelines.

Emergency Works applications can be submitted at any time. 

Information about the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage grants can be found in the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Grants Guidelines .or on our website https://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/grants/

Alternatively, you can contact us at:

Phone: (02) 9873 8577


If you wish to speak to an Aboriginal person, please let us know when we answer your call or in your email


Heritage Grants Team

Heritage NSW

10 Valentine Avenue Parramatta NSW 2150


The Awesome Foundation Grants


The Awesome Foundation is a global network of micro-giving chapters that give $1,000 of their own money every month to awesome projects. The Sydney chapter looks for out-there ideas that make Sydney more awesome. The ideas sometimes aren’t so absurd: they can be super sensible, too.

The catch? There isn’t one: there are no strings attached. Since its foundation in 2011, the Sydney chapter has received more than 800 micro-grant applications and given away nearly $80,000.

Tips for your application

379.        Make the Foundation say ‘that’s awesome!’

380.        Have a clear, itemised budget

381.        Have a ‘tipping point’ of $1,000 and this grant is what’s needed to make it happen

382.        Make Sydney more awesome

Generally, the Foundation avoids funding advertising and marketing, salaries, websites, travel, and applications where the budget doesn’t clearly explain what the money will be spent on.

Applications close: 6.30pm on the third Monday of every month.


Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) Special Circumstances Grant Opportunity

The Australian Government’s CCCF Special Circumstances Grant Opportunity is designed to support continuity of child care, in particular in disadvantaged or vulnerable communities. This grant is to support approved service providers to keep facilities open, those who are at risk of permanent closure and to support the set up new community services. It applies where a service is:


383.        at risk of closure due to an unforeseen event or circumstance, such as a natural disaster, or extreme weather event,

384.        at risk of permanent closure due to another event or circumstance, where that closure would result in a lack of suitable child care for the community, or

385.        seeking to commence a new service in a community where another service has closed, resulting in a lack of suitable child care. Child care services who are approved for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) are eligible to apply for funding where there is a financial need in order to continue to provide child care in the community.


The amount of funding provided to applicants will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the activity being funded and the circumstances of the applicant. Applicants can apply for funding more than once, for example where they have been impacted by more than one unforeseen event, such as bushfire and flood.

There is no deadline. Applications for funding under the CCCF Special Circumstances grant opportunity may be submitted at any time.

Contact: 13 28 46 or enquiries@industry.gov.au


NSW Aboriginal Land Council Fishing Fund

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is seeking applications from Aboriginal people(s) or entities for loans and grants from the NSWALC Fishing Fund.

 What is the NSWALC Fishing Fund?
The NSWALC Fishing Fund is a partnership with the Commonwealth Governments’ National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) and aims to support the growth and development of the NSW Aboriginal fishing industry to achieve long term economic opportunities for Aboriginal people. Both loans and grants will be available to existing or start-up Aboriginal fishing businesses for aquaculture, wild harvest or charter fishing. 


What Funding is available?
Loan and grant applications will be assessed on their commercial viability as well as their community and social benefits. Innovative ideas are encouraged.

Loans under $20,000 will be interest free. Loans over this amount will incur 2% interest. Lengthy repayment terms will be available. Applicants can apply for loans up to $500,000.00 which must demonstrate commercial and operational viability and employment outcomes. For further details on terms please see contact details below.

Grants should also demonstrate social and community benefit including innovation, training and employment. Applicants can apply for up to $500,000.00 for individual grants. For further details on terms please see the contact details below.

Who is eligible to apply?

Applicants must be Aboriginal or an Aboriginal entity (business)


How to apply

Applications can be submitted at any time (i.e. no closing date).

Initially, Expressions of Interest (EOIs) will be sought. On review of your EOI, NSWALC may request that you submit a Full Application. Full Applications will be assessed by NSWALC’s independent Aboriginal Fishing Advisory Committee and approved by NSWALC. We will provide you with advice and assistance through the application process.

Applications will be assessed on a competitive basis including:

386.                       Demonstrated commercial acumen and business skill.

387.                       Demonstrated ability to provide employment outcomes over the long term.

388.                       Loans; will need to demonstrate the capacity to repay the loan and may be required to submit tax returns and financial statements as proof.

389.                       Grants; in addition to being commercial, will need to demonstrate community benefit, innovation and account for funds spent.


You can download a copy of the Expression of Interest form here.

Further Information
For any enquiries please contact Strategy and Policy Unit on ph. 9689 4520, or email: policy@alc.org.au.


Illegally dumped asbestos clean-up program (IDACUP)

Aim of the program

The program is there to help avoid significant risk to the environment or public health in NSW by contributing funds towards the removal and management of illegally dumped asbestos and other hazardous orphan waste that has been placed or disposed of on premises unlawfully, when measures need to be taken immediately.

For incidents related to emergency pollution, please refer to the Emergency Pollution Clean Up Program.

How it works

State agencies, including the NSW EPA, emergency service organisations and local councils, may become involved in clean-up activities of illegally dumped asbestos and other hazardous orphan waste. In many cases a responsible party is identified and will be in a position to fund clean-up.

However, sometimes the responsible party is unknown, unavailable, unwilling (despite a legal obligation to do so) or unable to pay for clean up within the timeframe required to avoid or at least minimise harm to the environment or public health. Under these circumstances the organisation responsible for coordinating the clean up in the absence of the responsible party may apply for funding under the IDACUP.


The budget for this program is $0.5 million annually. Applications can be made at any time.


It is recommended that you read the Illegally Dumped Asbestos Clean Up Program Guidelines which explain the types of situations that are eligible for funding.

Further Information

Find out more about reporting pollution incidents on the OEH web page.

Environmental Trust
PO Box 644, PARRAMATTA 2124

Phone: (02) 8837 6093
E-mail: info@environmentaltrust.nsw.gov.au


IGA Community Chest

Through IGA Community Chest and associated programs, we’ve raised well over $86m to help local communities.

Every day across the country* IGA Community Chest raises funds to support local communities, charities and other worthwhile causes. It could be in response to a major event like floods or bush fires or something as simple as new soccer balls for the local under 8’s.

The money is raised in a number of ways but predominately through the purchase of products with an IGA Community Chest logo on the label or ticket.

When you purchase a product with the IGA Community Chest logo printed on the label a percentage is credited to that store’s IGA Community Chest account.

More information available here – https://www.iga.com.au/community-chest/


Closing date: Ongoing


Transition to Independent Living Allowance

Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) is a payment of up to $1,500 to help eligible young people cover some basic costs as they leave out-of-home care.

Young people aged between 15 to 25 years who are leaving or have already left formal out-of-home care may be eligible for the TILA. TILA is also for young people who continue to live with their foster carers after their care order expires.

The payment can be used to buy items such as a fridge or couch, pay for counselling, education and training courses, medical expenses, a drivers licence or any other items or services agreed between the young person and their case worker.


Closing date: Ongoing


 Strategic Opportunities Program

The Strategic Opportunities Program supports individual initiatives and events that demonstrate long-term benefits to the NSW screen industry.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis at any time during the year, subject to available funds. 

The objectives of the Program are:

390.                to build capacity within the industry and organisations and businesses within the sector;

391.                to support new and sustainable partnerships in particular between organisations of State significance and practitioners;

392.                to support audience access strategies for projects and practitioners.

 Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

393.                the project/event is well planned and of high artistic quality and it has capacity to contribute to the overall stability and strength of the NSW screen industry;

394.                the plans for the use of the funding and the amount of other funding;

395.                track record of the applicant and partners;

396.                the availability of funds.

Events and programs that support high-quality activity, engagement and participation with these Priority Areas are of particular importance:

397.                people living and/or working in regional NSW

398.                people living and/or working in Western Sydney

399.                Aboriginal people

400.                people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds

401.                people with disability

402.                young people.

Further information on addressing Priority Areas can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section on the Create NSW website – www.create.nsw.gov.au


Closing date: Ongoing


Applying for a grant:


 Native Title Respondent Funding Scheme


The Attorney-General’s Department helps native title respondents with their reasonable legal representation and disbursement costs incurred in native title proceedings.

This assistance is provided under section 213A of the Native Title Act 1993 and the Native Title (Assistance from Attorney-General) Guidelines 2012 which are available in the GO Documents section.

The Legal Financial Assistance Assessment of Costs applies to the NTRFS scheme and is available in the GO Documents section.



Close Date & Time: Ongoing – more information available here https://www.grants.gov.au/?event=public.GO.show&GOUUID=1ACDB341-F4F8-F386-DF240315117AD920


Mantana Foundation for Young People Funding

Amount: Up to $10,000

Closing date: Ongoing

Funding available for organisations that focus on youth programs that assist with school retention and increased education, employment skills as well as social and community connectedness.

There are two stages for applications: 1. Preliminary Submission and 2. Detailed Submission.

Organisations must have Tax Concession Charity (TCC) and Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) statuses. View website for overall eligibility and application process.

More information available herehttp://matanafoundation.org.au/apply-for-a-grant


Regional Filming Fund

The Regional Filming Fund (RFF) offsets costs associated with shooting in regional areas of NSW. Regional NSW is defined as all areas in NSW outside the Sydney Metro area (excluding the ACT). View the map of the NSW local government areas and the Sydney Metro area.

Applicants may request up to 35% of the budgeted NSW Regional Spend. Support is provided as a grant. The maximum grant per production is $100,000.

NSW Regional Spend is the total of the below the line shooting expenses directly associated with filming in regional NSW. Eligible NSW Regional Spend expenses are limited to:

403.                       location fees

404.                       travel (for cast and crew traveling from other parts of NSW)

405.                       accommodation

406.                       per diems

407.                       local suppliers & services (e.g. construction contractors, security, traffic control etc.)

408.                       catering

409.                       salaries for regionally based cast and crew.

Regional spend does not include any above-the-line expenses (including development expenses), indirect costs, company overheads, contingency or post-production expenses.

Applications can be submitted at any time – more information is available here – https://www.screen.nsw.gov.au/index.php/production-support/regional-filming-fund-rff


Festival Travel

Festival Travel supports NSW writers, directors or producers whose projects have been officially invited to screen at significant international festivals outside Australia.

The program is open to any project within the range of activity that Screen NSW supports which includes:

410.                      animation

411.                      documentary

412.                      features

413.                      shorts

414.                      television

415.                      children’s television

This program supports international travel costs (flights, accommodation, transfers) up to $5,000 per trip is available.

Applications can be submitted at any time

Screen Australia Funding opportunities

Screen Australia offers funding and resources to support the development, production and marketing of Australian screen content, as well as for the development of Australian talent and screen production businesses.

Project funding is generally provided to professional practitioners with some level of industry experience, depending on the program. For most production investment, a distributor or broadcaster usually needs to be on board as well.


More information about Indigenous specific Funding program deadlines here – https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/funding-and-support/indigenous/deadlines



For information about deadlines and closing dates – https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/funding-and-support/deadlines


Even if you’re not eligible for funding, you’ll find lots of useful tools and insights in each section.  And if you’re starting out in the industry, check out our Getting started page.


State Heritage Register Emergency Works Funding

Grants under the State Heritage Register Emergency Works Funding program are open year round subject to available funding.


To avert immediate risk of further damage caused by unexpected events to the heritage values of a State Heritage Register-listed item or item with a current Interim Heritage Order.


Open: Open year round subject to available funding


Funding available: Up to $10,000 (per project ex GST)

Matching funding required: No


Indigenous Travel Grants

The Travel Grants program is designed to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander filmmakers in travelling to key international and Australian events. Professional development is a key objective.

Funding is available to support travel costs associated with attending:

– recognised film festivals and pitching forums where an applicant’s film has been selected or invited to attend

– events where the applicant or their film has been nominated for an award

– key international markets

– conferences and workshops providing significant professional development opportunities.

Up to $6,000 may be requested for international travel, and up to $5,000 for travel within Australia (other than in exceptional circumstances), supported by a budget..

Applications can generally be made at any time at least five weeks before the event. Decisions will be made within 2–4 weeks from receipt of the application or in accordance with event deadlines. – Ongoing


Legal assistance for people engaging with the National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention

The National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention (National Commissioner) has been established to inquire into suicides of serving and former Australian Defence Force members.

The Australian Government is funding legal financial assistance to individuals and entities to assist with meeting the costs of legal representation and disbursements associated with engaging with the National Commissioner.


Legal financial assistance may be provided to an entity for their reasonable legal representation and disbursement costs resulting from:

416.                       being called, or granted leave to appear, as a witness at a public or private hearing of the National Commissioner, or

417.                       being requested to attend or attending an interview of the National Commissioner, or

418.                       being requested to provide a written statement that will be used as evidence of the National Commissioner, and/or

419.                       complying with a notice to produce issued by the National Commissioner, and

420.                       where the entity, excluding an individual, would not able to meet these costs without incurring serious financial hardship.

Applications close – it’s a demand driven grant – no closing date


Native Title Respondent Funding Scheme

The Attorney-General’s Department helps native title respondents with their reasonable legal representation and disbursement costs incurred in native title proceedings.

This assistance is provided under section 213A of the Native Title Act 1993 and the Native Title (Assistance from Attorney-General) Guidelines 2012 which are available in the GO Documents section.

The Legal Financial Assistance Assessment of Costs applies to the NTRFS scheme

Applications close – it’s a demand driven grant – no closing date


Performers’ Trust Foundation 

What is the PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation? 

Established in 1975, the PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation provides grants to promote and encourage music and the music-related performing arts.

The grants provided are non-recurring (i.e. one-off grants rather than a periodical payment) and are determined by the four trustees of the trust. 

On what basis can you apply for a grant?

All applications for grants are reviewed by the trustees and must be for one or more of the following purposes:

421.                       Performances at concerts at or for charitable institutions such as hospitals or homes for the aged;

422.                       Scholarships for the promotion and encouragement of musical and theatrical education;

423.                       The promotion and encouragement of the performing arts to the general public;

424.                       The aid or assistance of any beneficiary who is unable to adequately maintain herself/himself by her/his own exertions and other income

What can you use the grant for?

A grant under the PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation can be used for costs associated with the above, including:

425.                       Tuition fees;

426.                       Travel costs (hire, airfares, petrol);

427.                       Accommodation;

428.                       Venue hire/ PA hire

A grant cannot be used to cover wages, salaries, commissions etc.

How is your application assessed?

 The trustees meet four times a year to consider applications.   Applications are circulated to all trustees prior to each meeting.

Applications can be submitted at any time


Cyber Security Small Business Program

The Cyber Security Small Business Program will support small businesses across Australia to have their cyber security tested by a provider that has been approved by the Council of Registered Ethical Security Testers Australia New Zealand (CREST). 

Grants will be provided to small businesses (with 19 or fewer employees) for up to 50 per cent of the cost of a micro, small or standard certified small business check. These health checks are essentially the same, but vary in price depending on the number of devices that are tested.

429.               The maximum grant amount is $2,100.

430.               The grant amount will be up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs.

Closing date – On-going


Mazda Foundation

Organisations applying for a grant must complete and lodge a Project Notification form. Details must include a précis of the project, how the project relates to the priority area, the amount of funding sought and how it would be used, and the expected outcome of the project. Such notification may be lodged electronically or by hard copy to the Mazda Foundation (at the address on the home page of this website).

The independent Board of Directors will consider each application and identify projects for which further detail will be sought. An agreed contribution will be made to the approved organisation(s) and the successful applicants notified.

If lodging a Project Notification form, please note that:

431.                       the project must fall within the Foundation’s nominated priority area;

432.                       the organisation must be an eligible recipient under the Income Tax Assessment Act;

433.                       the project must be consistent with the broader aims and objectives of the Foundation (published on this website); and all areas of the attached form must be completed.


The Foundation will acknowledge receipt of the Project Notification form, but this should not be seen as in any way indicating that the request for consideration will progress further.

Any Project Notification received by the Foundation will be considered at the Foundation’s Board meetings held in April and October. As such Project Notifications must be submitted for notification by 31 March and 30 September. The Foundation’s Board meets approximately four times per year, and accordingly a period of some months may elapse between lodgement of a Project Notification and it being selected for funding.

Once the Foundation selects a project for funding, it may seek a detailed submission from the applicant and/or seek to confer with the applicant.

The Foundation periodically identifies a priority area of focus. The Foundation currently has one priority area of focus, being:


Foundation Priority – Community based organisations with projects supporting primary producers facing hardship.







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