From: Ricky Pascoe []
Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2022 1:06 PM
Subject: Emailing PS-11_Indigeneity-requirement_v7-0.pdf
The Indigeneity test for individuals The Australian courts have developed a 3-point legal test1 to determine whether an individual person is an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, which is: • the person is of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent • the person identifies themselves as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, and • the community recognises the person as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person. More recent cases have also established the following principles in relation to the 3-point test:2 • Some degree of descent is necessary but is not of itself a sufficient condition of eligibility to be an Aboriginal person. • A small degree of Aboriginal descent coupled with genuine self-identification or communal recognition may be sufficient for eligibility. • A substantial degree of descent alone may be enough to regard someone as an Aboriginal person, given the general communal recognition of Aboriginality that usually accompanies that descent. • Communal recognition as an Aboriginal person may be the best evidence available given the difficulties of proof of Aboriginal descent flowing from, among other things, the lack of written family records. The registrar will employ these principles to consider whether a person is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person under the CATSI Act (see section 6 of this policy statement). Each community and organisation will have its own processes or protocols for recognising a person as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person. The registrar relies on the communities and organisations using their own knowledge, processes and protocols to provide evidence that a person is an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person to satisfy the Indigeneity test.
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