FW: Bring them home report , stolen gen told to p off back where they come from

From: Ricky Pascoe [mailto:pascoericky@yahoo.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2022 2:31 PM
To: Aboriginal Social Media & Communications Network; National Indigenous TV; The Conversation; Legal and Constitutional Committee (SEN); Annie Ross; Luke Bona; 7News Brisbane Sport; Louisa Bonner; Boyd Norma; Brian Peacock; Phil Yubbagurri Brown; Arthur Burnett; Building Community Joe Kelly; George Blair; Ruth Brown; Vanessa Stockley; Linda Burney; Beverley Burnett; Katrina Burnett; Regina Moran; Hannah Brown; James Burnett; Jill Shelton; MONKEY7; The Exchange; Simon Connors; Attorney Correspondence; Indigilab Com Info; Australian Human Rights Commission; Dodson, Patrick (Senator); Debbie Wallace; Natasha Stott Despoja; Koomurri Dawson; Sid Doyle; David Weatherall; Dm Pascoe; David Shoebridge; DeeJayy Derek Sandy Oram; Minister Wyatt; Flo Watson; rondoy@y7mail.com; Kylie Jerome; Ken Lum; Natalie Rotumah; Invitations; George Our Mob; grant.stan@abc.net.au; Nichole Graham; yugumbul66@gmail.com; yvonnesimms6@gmail.com; yhuang@anglicanchurch.org.au; Denise Ruska; Katharine Wiltshire; First Nations Telegraph; McDougall, Rebecca (T. Butler, MP); Lewis Orcher; Johnny Volume; Leon Petrou; Lambie, Jacqui (Senator); Walgett LALC; Office of the Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe MP; Editor; senator.faruqi@aph.gov.au; Office of Cate Faehrmann; Janelle Saffin; Molan, Jim (Senator); seniorclerk.committees.sen@aph.gov.au; Venessa Williams Starzynski; Morris, Hayley (Sen J. Molan); Joseph Irving; joeirving@1963outlook.com; Joyce Barnaby (MP); Helen MacDonald; Minnie Weatherall; Leonie Marshall; United Voice NSW; Nick; Linda Anne Weatherall; Annette Weatherall; Bart Willoughby Band Willoughby; Nunka Wulew Nunukul; OneMob Radio Team; Rebecca Baker; Native Title; Aboriginal Landrights; Phil Laird | Lock the Gate Alliance; Thomas Dahlstrom; Public Williams Office Email
Subject: Bring them home report , stolen gen told to p off back where they come from


Glen Innes land council members told the stolen generation to go back to where they were taken too , and staled there research process by acting dumb saying they didn’t know about research asked for more time to tell the people , 11 years later they told noone to come back to a meeting .

Bringing us home is flawed

Ricky Pascoe ,Malati

A member of stolen generation

Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia

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