FW: Aboriginal Buriel rights

From: Ricky Pascoe [mailto:pascoericky@yahoo.com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 11:39 AM
To: Aboriginal Social Media & Communications Network; National Indigenous TV; Legal and Constitutional Committee (SEN); The Conversation; Leeanne Enoch; Corro DITID Minister and DG; Attorney Correspondence; Australian Human Rights Commission; 7News Brisbane Sport; Building Community Joe Kelly; McDougall, Rebecca (T. Butler, MP); Luke Bona; The Exchange; MONKEY7; craig@acelaw.biz; Indigilab Com Info; Koomurri Dawson; Natasha Stott Despoja; Dodson, Patrick (Senator); dominic.ogrady@humanrights.gov.au; David Shoebridge; First Nations Telegraph; Editor; Burdekin Electorate Office; senator.faruqi@aph.gov.au; grant.stan@abc.net.au; George Our Mob; Morris, Hayley (Sen J. Molan); Office of the Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe MP; OEH HD Heritage Mailbox; Invitations; Govhouse Info; yugumbul66@gmail.com; Triplejunearthed Info; 4ZZZ Interviews; Lambie, Jacqui (Senator); joeirving@1963outlook.com; Kylie Jerome; Leon Petrou; Janelle Saffin; Minister Wyatt; Molan, Jim (Senator); Mailbox Ombudsman; DG Office; Office of Cate Faehrmann; OneMob Radio Team; rondoy@y7mail.com; Sid Doyle; seniorclerk.committees.sen@aph.gov.au; United Voice NSW; Ken Zulumovski
Subject: Aboriginal Buriel rights

To whom it may Concern 

The Australian goverment needs to provide land use for buriel rights of Aboriginal role .The Australian goverment need to adknowelege our cultural and spiritual beliefs and respect our cultural rights and people . 

We should be able to be buried in bark ochre at no cost or any practices each langauge group decides the right of choice . 

Under the Australian system you need up to $10,000 to be buried . This burden upon people is costly and is not culturally appriotte. Funeral assistance and respect of one’s right of choice how a Aboriginal person wants to be buried .

This calls for further discussion , can you hear us ?


Ricky Pascoe

Daharawal Dahrug Ngarabul black duck black Swann songline member Pamma family langauge group Yurin kuric

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