Category Archives: NSW


FW: Gomeroi Nation Tour: Rapper Kobie Dee connecting with country and bringing free music to Gomeroi country

From: Glen Crump []
Sent: Wednesday, 16 February 2022 3:12 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Fwd: Gomeroi Nation Tour: Rapper Kobie Dee connecting with country and bringing free music to Gomeroi country

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Kerrieanne Howarth <>
Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 12:42 PM
Subject: Gomeroi Nation Tour: Rapper Kobie Dee connecting with country and bringing free music to Gomeroi country

Gomeroi Nation Tour: Rapper Kobie Dee connecting with country and bringing free music to Gomeroi country



HOMECOMING: Kobie Dee is coming home to Country, announcing the Gomeroi Nation Tour which will see him perform in Tamworth and across the region. Photo: Supplied

 HOMECOMING: Kobie Dee is coming home to Country, announcing the Gomeroi Nation Tour which will see him perform in Tamworth and across the region. Photo: Supplied

RISING star Kobie Dee will headline next month’s Gomeroi Nation Tour, which will provide live and free music to the people of Tamworth, Narrabri, Walgett, Boggabilla and Moree.

The Gomeroi rapper, who has racked up millions of listens on Spotify, is bringing his talents back to home country, and wants to provide people from around the region with a memory they’ll never forget.

“It’s about creating an experience for the young kids that don’t normally get to come and see these types of things,” he said.

“For me I wasn’t able to really see concerts until I was older and the concerts I did see were the free ones, so it’s about bringing that experience and letting anyone come in and enjoy it because it’s not something they normally get.”

Although he was born and raised in Sydney, the 23-year-old has a bloodline that goes back generations in the local area, and is looking forward to seeing family in the region.

For him, the chance to come up and visit Gomeroi country is as exciting for him as it is for his fans.

“It’s just a feeling I can’t explain, to be able to bring this experience back home and also to be able to stop in to different parts of the Gomeroi nation takes me back to how my old people travelled around,” Dee said.

“To all those different places, it’s kind of like walking those same tracks so it’s definitely going to be a great experience.”

He will perform in a concert each day from Sunday, March 13 to Wednesday, March 16, hitting up Tamworth, Narrabri, Walgett and Boggabilla, before hosting a block party in Moree on Saturday, March 19.

The Moree Block Party is sure to excite locals with a range of other acts making the journey too including Nter, Nooky and popular Sydney rap band Triple One.

While in the region Dee said he will be taking time to speak to the kids and connect with family, and he will also be attending the Moree Youth Forum.

Kerrieanne Howarth

Senior Coordination Officer | Regional Development


M: 0474720398






Department of Regional NSW

Location: Tamworth

A close up of a sign

Description automatically generated

The Department of Regional New South Wales acknowledges that it stands on Country which always was and always will be Aboriginal land. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land and waters, and we show our respect for Elders past, present and emerging. We are committed to providing places in which Aboriginal people are included socially, culturally and economically through thoughtful and collaborative approaches to our work. 

Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia

Proudly Sponsored by Tagai Management Consultants & All Aspects Recruitment & HR Services.                                                 AArecruit Logo 200 x 50

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FW: ( NSW ) Your Feb e-news is here!

Welcome Reconciliation NSW members to our first newsletter for 2022!

The year kicked off with a bang! We:

  • Welcomed the newest member of our growing team, Danielle Sampedro, a teacher and assistant principal from Western Sydney. We are eager to put her educator expertise to use, and are super excited to have Dani onboard.
  • Said farewell to Thea Butler, our Programs Manager, who is moving on to new adventures. We thank her so much for her passion and wonderful commitment to the organisation and reconciliation in NSW. We’ll miss her greatly.
  • Had an amazing day on January 26th at the Yabun Festival. We are always grateful to be able to support, connect with, and catch up with our old friends and colleagues and meet and talk with new reconciliation supporters! We had over 120 new members sign up on the day! Our movement continues to grow!
  • Have been meeting with a number of our new member organisations to get to know their business and determine how we can support their organisational reconciliation journey over the coming year. Organisations wan to do more for reconciliation!
  • Watched 2 major community led campaigns result in huge wins for reconciliation and for First Nations communities: The campaign to #FLyTheFlag on Sydney Harbour Bridge 365 days a year, and to #FreeTheFlag to release copywright and allow free use of the Aboriginal flag. PEOPLE POWER WORKS!
  • Took a moment to reflect on the 14th anniversary of the Apology, and what that meant for our country, by watching a number of online events to commemorate the anniversary.
  • Came back to the office part time – IN PERSON! 

Coming up, we’re:

  • Planning our next Local Reconciliation Group (LRG) Zoom catch up meeting for late Feb/early Mar – watch your email LRGs
  • Making final preparations to announce the theme for our 2022 Schools Reconciliation Challenge in March
  • Getting ready to run a number of in person reconciliation and Caring for Country workshops in communities across greater Sydney as part of festivals and educational programs
  • Conducting planning and strategy session with our board.

We’re already off to a running start! We can’t wait to keep amplifying Aboriginal voices and educating allies in 2022!

Tristan Tipps-Webster

Reflecting on January 26th

Reconciliation NSW’s stall at Yabun Festival this year provided the opportunity for truth-telling and connecting with community, raising awareness of First Nations issues and perspectives, and sharing how we can amplify Aboriginal voices, while educating non-Indigenous attendees about how they can get involved as allies!

It was a vibrant celebration of culture, survival, strength and resilience. It was truly special to be emerged in an event of First Nations music, people speaking in language, dance and performance.

The attendance at Yabun, coupled with the growing momentum and mainstream conversations that happened around Changing the Date, indicates that each year there is growing support for approaching January 26th respectfully.

Farewell to our Programs Manager, Thea Butler

Thank you to Thea Butler who finished up as Programs Manager of Reconciliation NSW on Jan 20th. Thea has been a huge asset to the organisation, and has made a wonderful contribution to our work, delivering some amazing outcomes. WE thank her for being a great ally, team mate, and working so hard to progress reconciliation across NSW. She will be missed, and we wish her all the best in her new direction!

Board spotlight

Kayla White

Kayla White is Reconciliation NSW’s newest board member. As a proud Biripi and Worimi woman and teacher, Kayla strives to deliver innovative strategies to drive educational outcomes for all students. She has spent 31 years embracing her culture and 14 years delivering support and advice to schools, educational service teams and Aboriginal peoples and communities in the implementation of strategies specifically relating to Aboriginal education and engagement. We are excited to work with Kayla, particularly in the education sector! Read more about Kayla. 

New team members at Reconciliation NSW

Danielle Sampedro: Project Officer (education focus)

Danielle is a highly experienced educator with over 15 years of experience in primary school education. She has fulfilled various roles including classroom teacher, peer coach, teacher mentor, Assistant Principal and Instructional Leader. She is passionate about reconciliation in education and improving educational outcomes for First Nations students. Read more about Danielle. 

Madeline Gerber: Project Officer

Madeline is fiercely passionate about First Nations justice, and is constantly challenging herself and the people around her in becoming a better ally. Volunteering for Reconciliation NSW since March 2021, she is excited to join the team and contribute to our mission. She hopes to grow and be guided in this position by First Nations voices to support self-determination. Read more about Madeline. 

News & Updates

A permanent Aboriginal flag atop the Harbour Bridge – success at last!

Image credit John Roper / Inner West Council

The campaign led by the unstoppable Kamilaroi woman Cheree Toka has resulted in success – the Aboriginal Flag will be flown on the Harbour Bridge 365 days a year.

Reconciliation NSW has been supporting this campaign for MANY years: petitions were signed forcing debates in Parliament, rallies were organised, and Cheree herself, with the support of others, raised thousands of dollars to install the flag.

Now, the visibility of First Nations cultures will prompt discussion around truth-telling, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and the continued injustices experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Reconciliation NSW is proud to have supported the Fly the Flag Campaign, and thrilled to see the flag flying in our hometown every day. Congratulations Cheree and to our members who have supported the campaign over the years!

Progress on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

If you haven’t already read and seen it, a week before Christmas in December 2021, the Government released its Final Report on the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Process. Read it here.

The Final Report proposes the Indigenous Voice as an integrated system of Local & Regional Voices, and a National Voice which would represent the great diversity of First Nations cultures and communities, making progress in overcoming the historical exclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in decision-making.

In particular, the report highlights the public support for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament and its constitutional guarantee, where 90% of more than 4000 submissions supported constitutional enshrinement.

This report brings Australia closer to the possible referendum for constitutional enshrinement for an Indigenous Voice. Before the upcoming election to federal parliament, we ask that you continue to contact your local MPs and senators to get their commitment to the referendum. See templates and steps at the Uluru Statement website.

The Aboriginal Flag has been Freed!

Image credit: Clothing the Gaps

On the 24th of January, the campaign to Free the Flag, spearheaded by Aboriginal led and controlled enterprise Clothing the Gaps, was successful. Until now, First Nations rights to use the flag design incurred costs, and a few years ago the rights to produce items with the Aboriginal Flag design on it were sold to a non-First Nations owned company.

Now, the copyright of the Aboriginal Flag design has been transferred from Luritja man and creator Harold Thomas to the Commonwealth government. The enduring symbol of Aboriginal strength and spiritual connection to Country that the flag represents can be freely used by all.

A huge congratulations to Clothing the Gap team, supporters and advocates! Another win! Read more.

The upcoming election: an opportunity to take action for reconciliation

While we wait for the Federal election date to be called (sometime before the the 21st May), we encourage you to write to, meet with, and contact your MP and candidates to campaign for action on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues.
You can ask questions like:
What is your policy position on:

  • The Uluru Statement. Do you support Voice, Treaty and Truth? Will you support calling a referendum for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament?
  • Raising the Age of criminal responsibility?


  • What will you do to address the over incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples?
  • What action will you take to improve cultural heritage protection?
  • What can you do about improving signage for significant Aboriginal sites and language groups in this area?
  • What can you do to publicly share the stories of the Aboriginal people who have lived on this land for tens of thousands of years and whose descendants still live here today?

Go to our website for writing templates. See our Uluru Toolkit for more info on what you can do to support the Uluru Statement.

Member organisation spotlight: Goodstart New England’s reconciliation journey

Goodstart Early Learning supports the Uluru Statement

At the end of last year our team received a video demonstrating the many ways our members are stepping up and showing up for reconciliation. Through deep reflection and engagement with their RAP and the Uluru Statement from the heart, each member of the group shared an understanding of what the Uluru statement means to them and why it was important to sign it. We love to see this kind of meaningful engagement with reconciliation in their workplace. Check out the video to see their commitment to being the best allies they can be.


Midjaburi Festival – Connect to Country: Pathways to Reconciliation

Connect to Country – explore the Cooks River from a new perspective, meet other locals, and share and listen in a yarning circle. As part of Inner West Fest in Midjaburi, the Inner Council has supported Reconciliation NSW to deliver a Caring for Country journey around the Cooks River. You’ll be taken on a guided walking tour, experience a yarning circle and eat some delicious bush food inspired lunch to complement the experience.

When: Saturday 26th March
Where: Steele Park, Marrickville
Tickets are free, but you must book your place to ensure you don’t miss out!

Appin Massacre Memorial Event

Winga Myamly Reconciliation Group will be hosting the annual Appin Massacre Memorial for the Dharawal people who perished in the massacre of 1816. Join them in commemorating and memorialising this tragic event.

When: Sunday 10th April
Time: 11am-3:30pm
Where: Cataract Dam Picnic Area, Cataract Dam Rd, Cataract

Wash my Soul in the River’s Flow Special Preview

Wash My Soul in the River’s Flow is a cinematic reinvention of a legendary concert that premiered in 2004. Kura Tungar — Songs from the River was a collaboration between First Nations singer-songwriters Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter working with Paul Grabowsky and the 22-piece Australian Art Orchestra. See the trailer

5.30pm Thursday February 24
12.00pm Thursday March 3
Venue: Sony Theatrette, Level 19, 1 Market Street, Sydney



Political Candidate Training for Women of Colour (NSW, VIC, QLD)

In the spirit of empowering more women of colour to run for local councils, our friends at Politics in Colour are running Political Candidate Training for Women of Colour. Their online workshop offers contextualised training that speaks directly to the experience of women of colour in overcoming many of the structural barriers faced in their political and leadership journey.
Dates: Tues 22, Thurs 24 and Mon 28 February 2022
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm AEDT
Venue: Online (via zoom)
Cost: Free

Register here & more info

YARN Seasonal Yarning Circle

Check out YARN’s open space for connection, dialogue, listening and having a laugh. YARN’s vision is to build connection and unity between Original Sovereign Nations of Australia and non-Indigenous Australians. Join the Online Seasonal Yarning Circle with Original Sovereign Nations of Australia and non-Indigenous Storytellers from across the continent.

Date: Sunday 27th February
Time: 10am-5pm
Venue: Online
Cost: $50
Register here & more info

The right to education – Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion

Everyone should be able to access quality education, regardless of their postcode or bank balance. But this isn’t the case. People living in remote and rural areas, First Nations communities and children from migrant backgrounds often lack equitable access to education. It’s been made worse by the pandemic – highlighted by the widening digital divide.

Date: Tuesday 22nd February
Time: 12:30pm-1:30pm AEST
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Acessibility: This event will be live captioned
Cost: Free
Register here & more info

An exploration of the Statement from the Heart – The Grail

A time to explore more deeply this visionary statement which we believe is a fair, practical and unifying gift to all Australians. Supported by Eremos, Women’s Reconciliation Network, Creators of Peace and more.
Date: Saturday 26 February
Time: 9:30am-3:30pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
Cost: Free

Reconciliation TV, Film & Books

Sovereignty: 50 Years of the Tent Embassy

On January 26, 1972 a small group of Indigenous Australians began a sit-in protest on the lawns of Parliament House in Canberra that led to one of the most pivotal moments in Australia’s social history. Watch this documentary on ABC iview.

The Dreaming Path, Dr Paul Callaghan 

Worimi man Dr Paul Gallaghan in conversations with Uncle Paul Gordon will sit you around the fire and share knowledge that reveals the power of Aboriginal spirituality as a profound source of contentment and wellbeing for anyone willing to listen. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation book of the month The Dreaming Path blends self-development, spirituality and Dreamtime stories.

Welcome to our New Member Organisations!

We’re excited for you to meet our newest organisational members:

  • Gabriel Family Day Care
  • Guardian Actuarial Pty Ltd
  • Redkite

Get involved: Growing our Group of Allies

Can you help grow our circle of allies? Ask a friend or colleague to become a RecNSW member and  make 2022 their year to embrace reconciliation and become an ally of First Nations People. 

  • Individual membership is free. Refer a friend of colleague today! 
  • Ask your organisation to get involved with Reconciliation NSW as an organisational member, and be part of the Reconciliation NSW network of organisations committed to recognising First Nations 
  • Don’t forget to tag friends and colleagues on our social media posts! Follow us on Facebook, TwitterInstagram and YouTube

Get involved!


Voices of Power – AIATSIS

Over six episodes this podcast series explores critical turning points in the fight for First Nations rights and self-determination and for meaningful representation in places of power. Hosted by AIATSIS CEO and Dhunghutti/Biripi man Craig Ritchie and narrated by Bidjial man Vic Simms. Stream Wherever you get your podcasts. Voices of Power. 

What can you do to confront racism? From How Can I Help?

This episode of How Can I Help? looks at the ways we can engage with the issue of racism in Australia. That includes calling it out when you see it, but also doing work on yourself. Includes speakers Neha Madhok, national director of Democracy in Colour, and Dominic Guerrera, a Ngarrindjeri person who works as an Aboriginal health educator and student support officer, and is also a poet, podcaster and writer.  

Listen here, or on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or your favourite podcast app.

Local Reconciliation Group Meetings & Actions

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Reconciliation NSW

Ground Floor 27-31 Cope St


Sydney, New South Wales 2016


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Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia

Proudly Sponsored by Tagai Management Consultants & All Aspects Recruitment & HR Services.                                                 AArecruit Logo 200 x 50

If you would like to subscribe to ASMCN click on the link below:




From: Glen Crump []
Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2022 2:48 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Fwd: FW: PACC Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]

From: Helen Mcwilliam <>
Sent: 15 February 2022 14:07
To: Glen Crump <>
Subject: PACC Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]


Attached flyer is for a PACC meeting 11th March 2022 in Moree, would you mind distributing it via your extensive network for me.



Helen McWilliam
Inspector – OIC Moree Police Station
New England Police District
58 Frome Street, Moree NSW 2400
E: P: 02 6757 0820 E: 50820

Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia

Proudly Sponsored by Tagai Management Consultants & All Aspects Recruitment & HR Services.                                                 AArecruit Logo 200 x 50

If you would like to subscribe to ASMCN click on the link below: