From: Joedie Clark <>;
Sent: Tuesday, 22 February 2022 11:15 AM
Subject: Advertised Positions for Circulation
We have 3 positions currently advertised for our new program; Intensive Bail Program:
- Intensive Family Support Worker / Practitioner
- Bail Support Worker / Practitioner
- Community Co Responder
We would appreciate if you could circulate this email to your networks.
Thank you.
To Apply or for more information visit:
To Apply or for more information visit:
To Apply or for more information visit:
Kindest regards.
Joedie Clark
Human Resource Officer
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
‘ (07) 3156 4800| 6 (07) 3265 3263 | È 0403 429 338
– 425 Zillmere Road, Zillmere QLD 4034 | PO Box 163, Zillmere QLD 4034
* | þ
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Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia
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