FW: ( S.A. ) Neporendi Community Engagement Project

Us mob at Neporendi Aboriginal Forum Incorporated are currently undertaking program planning and engagement activities to help inform and guide our efforts to ensure the programs, services and activities we provide are relevant and meaningful to our southern Adelaide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. We are also seeking feedback from our community around the potential of offering programs and services from different locations. Our program planning and engagement activities will continue until 31 January 2022.

An online survey and further information on the engagement activities can be found on the Your Say website. A link to the hard copy survey/flyer is below for those wishing to complete and send to us via post (address below). But we encourage participants to complete the online survey, if possible.
Feel free to distribute this information to anyone in your networks that you think may wish to provide their input.

Link to ‘Your Say’ website: https://yoursay.onkaparinga.sa.gov.au/neporendi-program-planning


Douglas VJ Clinch
Chairperson, Neporendi Aboriginal Forum Incorporated


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