FW: ( NSW ) Latest COVID-19 info and resources – Wednesday 12 January 2022

Sent: Wednesday, 12 January 2022 3:16 PM

Subject: Latest COVID-19 info and resources – Wednesday 12 January 2022

Hi all,


Please find below the latest information, resources and PHO update regarding COVID-19 in NSW to share with your networks and on your channels. Please refer to the NSW Government website for updated information and do not hesitate to get in touch if there’s anything we can help with. We’ll continue to keep you updated as more information is made available.


Public Health Order amendment (attached)

The Chief Health Officer as delegate of the Minister has signed the Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation) Order (No 4) Amendment (No 4) Order 2022. The Order amends the Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation) Order (No 4) 2021 to give effect to changes recently agreed by Government, those being:

1.   to provide that a person diagnosed with COVID-19 through the use of a rapid antigen test is a “diagnosed person” and is therefore required to self-isolate under this Order in the same way as if the person were diagnosed by undergoing PCR testing;

2.   to require persons who become aware they have tested positive to COVID-19 as a result of a rapid antigen test to notify the Chief Executive Officer of Service NSW via an online form available on the Service NSW website or in another approved way;

3.   to provide for the purposes for which the Chief Executive Officer of Service NSW is collecting this information mentioned, those being:

·       to provide information about care, treatment and access to health and hospital services to persons who have tested positive to COVID-19;

·       to provide information to NSW Health to support the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including analysis of information and planning for, and the provision of, health and hospital services to the people of New South Wales.

4.   to provide that a close contact or a household contact of a person diagnosed with COVID-19 is not required to self-isolate if the close contact or household contact has, because the contact was diagnosed with COVID-19, completed a period of self-isolation no more than 28 days ago, and

5.   to make consequential amendments, including an amendment to the Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order (No 2) 2021 to provide that information and evidence provided to Service NSW under the Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation) Order (No 4) 2021 must be true and accurate.

The Premier announced in the press conference this morning that he has consulted with Police and there will be a grace period on imposition of a fine for failure to notify of a positive RAT test until 19 January 2022.


Updated factsheets

NSW Health has a number of factsheets available to clarify testing and self-isolation requirements:


These factsheets are currently being updated to reflect the latest guidance.


Attached is a factsheet developed for confirmed cases of COVID-19 to direct them to all relevant information they may need. Similar resources are being used in Emergency Departments when discharging patients, so we ask if you liaise with your discharging teams if they would please use this resource where relevant.


Reporting rapid antigen tests

From today (12 January 2022) people who test positive using a COVID-19 rapid antigen test at home must register with Service NSW when they get their result. You are able to add a positive result dating back to 1 January 2022. This helps people:

  • quickly understand their relative level of risk
  • access support from NSW Health
  • apply for financial support, such as the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment.

You can register a positive test result for yourself, another adult or a child. Each result needs to  be reported separately.

You do not need to register if you’ve had:

  • a negative or invalid rapid antigen test result
  • a positive PCR test in the 28 days before your positive rapid antigen test.

More information on registering RAT results: Register a positive rapid antigen test result | Service NSW


Boosters for people who are immunocompromised

ATAGI has released new recommendations approving booster doses for people who are severely immunocompromised and have previously received three primary doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.


This means that people who are severely immunocompromised are now eligible for a booster 4 months after their third dose. From 31 January 2022, this interval will move to 3 months since the third dose.


Getting a booster dose when due is particularly important for people who have underlying medical conditions to maintain a high level of protection against COVID-19 and reduce the risk of serious illness from the virus.


The Pfizer (Comirnaty) and Moderna (Spikevax) mRNA vaccines are the approved vaccines for booster doses. The AstraZeneca (Vaxsevria) vaccine can be used for a booster does for people who are unable to receive a mRNA vaccine for medical reasons.


More information on boosters: Booster vaccination | NSW Government



Social media content – please share on your channels


Lucy Cook

COVID-19 Stakeholder Engagement | State Health Emergency Operations Centre (SHEOC)

1 Reserve Road, St Leonards, New South Wales 2065
Tel (02) 9460 5234| Mob 0422 402 324 | 

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Visit the NSW Health website for the latest information on COVID-19.


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