FW: ( W.A. ) Happy Holidays from AACHWA!

From: Aboriginal Art Centre Hub WA <support@aachwa.com.au>;
Sent: Monday, 20 December 2021 4:45 PM
To: darren@indigenoussupport.org.au
Subject: Happy Holidays from AACHWA!

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To all AACHWA Members, Friends and Supporters,

we wish you a joyous, safe and relaxing festive season,

and thank you for your involvement and support over 2021

Image: Peggy Griffiths, Jilinybeng, 2021, 80 x 60cm, natural ochre and pigment on canvas, courtesy of Waringarri Arts.

Dear Darren,

This year has had challenges for us all but also great triumphs in the artworks created, projects delivered, and outcomes achieved. It has been inspiring to see artists, artworkers, board and supporters adapt to new ways of working both online and in bringing each other together safely in person.

Thank you to all of AACHWA’s member art centres for your support throughout the year and we hope our programs and services have assisted and helped you to grow and continue to do the amazing things you do in the many communities spread across WA, collectively supporting thousands of artists.

On behalf of the AACHWA Board and Staff we wish you a safe and joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Chad Creighton

The AACHWA office will be closed from Friday 24
December and will reopen Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Many art centres are closed over this period, however stay connected on social media for some great events and exhibitions in the new year.


In the featured artwork Peggy Griffiths has depicted a bush tucker known as “bush cucumber”. This plant grows as a vine and you have to search for it amongst the grasses. The bush cucumber, more like a bush lemon fruit, is grey/green in colour and ripens in the wet season. It is collected either from the vine directly or on the ground where the fruit has dropped. “This fruit can be eaten when both unripe and ripe, but if you eat too much it makes your tongue bright red and hurts your lips.”

Peggy Griffiths arts practice reflects her strong commitment to her Miriwoong culture and her works document the traditional country of her mother and grandfather. Her works capture the movement of wind through the spinifex country which for the artist is evidence that the spirit of culture is alive. Read more…


If you have any upcoming opportunities, news from events at your art centre or from the community and would like it included in our next newsletter, please send through a short blurb and an image with photographer credits to

Copyright © 2021 Aboriginal Art Centre Hub WA, All rights reserved.
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Aboriginal Art Centre Hub WA
276 Great Eastern Highway
Midland, Western Australia  6056


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