FW: ( NSW ) Current Employment Opportunity with Service Stream 3

From: Trudy Witney
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 1:53 PM
To: Tamworth Family Support Services <tfss_old@tfss.com.au>; TFSS Casual Staff <Casuals@tfss.com.au>
Cc: Bryarne Bielefeld <bryarne1@tfss.com.au>
Subject: Current Employment Opportunity with Service Stream 3


Good afternoon,


We are currently looking for a A full -time 24 month fixed-term, Trainee Case Worker to join the Service Stream 3 Team. Applications close on Sunday, 16 January 2022. Further information about the role is contained within the attached pack .


Please feel free to share with your networks and If you require any additional information or assistance please don’t hesitate in contacting Bryarne Bielefeld or myself.

Kind Regards

Trudy Witney  I  Human Resources Officer

A: 2/127 Bridge Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 or P.O. Box 1088, Tamworth NSW 2340

P: 02 6763 2302  I  F: 02 6763 2336  |  M: 0427 620 591 | E:  trudy1@tfss.com.au  I  W: www.tfss.com.au




I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work, and pay my respect to the Elders both past & present.


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