FW: ( NSW ) RAPP Roles – Advertisements Now Live – Closing 24 July


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Department of Regional NSW Aboriginal Partnership role ads are now live, with a closing date of 24 July.

Aboriginal Partnerships – Deputy Director (11/12)

Aboriginal Partnerships Manager (9/10)

The advertisements are also on seek.com.au – but in the end all point back to iWorkforNSW to apply.

We’re offering information sessions for each of the roles over coming weeks, as a chance for people to find out more and ask any questions they have about the roles.

Deputy Director, Aboriginal Partnerships
1pm – Wednesday 13 July
Registration Form: https://forms.office.com/r/4NBB8E1HCN

Aboriginal Partnership Manager
12:30pm, Friday 1 July
4:30pm, Tuesday 5 July
11:30am, Wednesday 13 July
Registration Form: https://forms.office.com/r/27K34xMcWA

Kind regards,

Sara Abberton (Byrnes)
Aboriginal Partnerships Manager, New England & North West
Regional Development and Programs | Department of Regional NSW
T 0459 918 167 |  E sara.abberton@regional.nsw.gov.au ;
Gomeroi Country, Level 2 Noel Park House 155-157 Marius St Tamworth 2340
Chat with me in Teams

The Department of Regional New South Wales acknowledges that it stands on Country which always was and always will be Aboriginal land. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land and waters, and we show our respect for Elders past, present and emerging. We are committed to providing places in which Aboriginal people are included socially, culturally and economically through thoughtful and collaborative approaches to our work.

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