Please help us share this important message.
Are you an individual, community group or non-profit organisation actively working to challenge ageism and highlight the value of older people and ageing well?
If so, please consider applying for the Office for Ageing Well Tackling Ageism Award in the SA Community Achievement Awards.
Office for Ageing Well and Awards Australia are looking for individuals and organisations working to confront and overcome discrimination against older South Australians.
Nominees must demonstrate an understanding of the pervasive nature of ageism, and what action they are taking to tackle it by breaking down barriers and busting myths and stereotypes so that South Australians, no matter their age, can live well.
The Office for Ageing Well Tackling Ageism Award is part of Office for Ageing Well’s work under the Tackling Ageism Enabling Factor of South Australia’s Plan for Ageing Well 2020- 2025.
Nominations for the Community Achievement Awards will close on Thursday 25 August with awards to be presented in Adelaide in December.
For more information:
I encourage you to nominate for this important award or to consider nominating someone you feel is demonstrating their commitment to overcoming ageism in our state.
Cassie Mason
Director, Office for Ageing Well
SA Health