From: Ebony Eulo (HETI) []
Sent: Thursday, 2 June 2022 3:29 PM
To: Darren
Subject: INVITATION: HETI Jumbunna webinar – 15 June 2022, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Hi Darren,
I was hoping you could share with your network. 😊
Thank you Ebony
Ebony Eulo – Proud Budjiti Woman
Aboriginal Health Educator/ Project Officer
Health Education & Training Institute
(02) 4936 5602 | Mobile: 0 400 392 794
Wonnarua Country
The Maitland Hospital, Executive Building, 550 – 560 High Street, Maitland NSW 2320
I would like to pay my Respect to the traditional custodians of the lands on which I live and work and extend my Respect to Elder’s past and present. Always was, Always will be, Aboriginal Land!
Visit the NSW Health website for the latest information on COVID-19.
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