FW: Qld Aboriginal Police Liason officer uncontactable 24/7 have you had any concerns

From: Ricky Pascoe [mailto:pascoericky@yahoo.com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2022 10:51 AM

Brisbane Aboriginal Community Concerns

Hello qld I would like to ask a serious questions concerns

When you need a Aboriginal police Liason officer do you have there number ? Can you get put thru to one when you have asked Queensland Policelink . Have you had problems.

Please send your compliants to pascoericky@yahoo.com.au ;

Please be advised your compliants will be taken to Human Rights commission. .building a case now need all concerns in writting please

Thank you

Malati , Ricky Pascoe

Concerned Brisbane. Aboriginal community member

Sent from Yahoo7 Mail on Android


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