FW: ( QLD ) BCC (E&D Vacancy-TV6) SCHEDULING OFFICER ($72k+ pa) TEMP Up to 6 Months

From: diversityinclusion [mailto:diversityinclusion@brisbane.qld.gov.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 31 May 2022 9:36 AM
Cc: diversityinclusion
Subject: BCC (E&D Vacancy-TV6) SCHEDULING OFFICER ($72k+ pa) TEMP Up to 6 Months

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If you didn’t get this email directly from EquityDiversity (and you want to) SEND AN EMAIL to DiversityInclusion@brisbane.qld.gov.au and ASK to be on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander OR the People with Disability email list.  You will get a reply confirming you are on the list PLUS get instructions on how to register for Job Alerts so you get emails directly to your inbox.

Check out our “Working at Council” video
(a lot of the people in the video have been on this E&D list, gotten jobs and now work here!)

Hello everyone! 

This job is a TEMPORARY VACANCY only meaning it is for less than 6 months duration.  It may be a backfilling situation while someone is on leave or undertaking a higher duties position.  We call them TV6 vacancies and they are only available internally PLUS our E&D list (see paragraph below).  Our Recruitment Centre does not do the recruitment for these vacancies… the recruiting is done directly by the local manager.   You apply as directed in the email and the responses are by the local area.


Under an Equity and Diversity initiative, people with disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are able to apply for these jobs even though they do not currently work for Council.  However, you can only apply by using the link provided below and by identifying which equity group you are a member of.  If you have any difficulty, please contact the “More Information” person listed.


IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS or difficulty using the link provided,



An exciting opportunity has become available to join us in the Arboricultural Scheduling Team for a six-month period.

Public Space Operations is a service delivery, customer focused and commercially driven business that prides itself on keeping Brisbane’s streets and public spaces clean, green, and safe for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike.

As a Scheduling Officer you will be the key point of contact for the delivery of scheduled and reactive work. You will work closely in a team that delivers programs of work throughout Brisbane, utilising SAP and associated operational systems and processes

While the main location for the position is Eagle Farm, it may be based in another location, including Darra, Morningside or Toowong, subject to discussion.

To be eligible to apply you must meet the below criteria.

For salaried and wages roles, applications for TV6 or temporary vacancies of up to 6 months can be accepted from:

·         permanent employees (excluding employees on probation)

·         temporary employees who have been employed for a minimum of six months

·         people employed as temporary employees through a Community Jobs Program/Work Placement

·         casual employees who have had the equivalent of 12 months full-time for salaried roles and 3 months equivalent for wages roles

·         agency contractors (i.e. labour hire) who have had the equivalent of 12 months full-time equivalent.

·         external applicants for internally advertised Band 2 to 4 vacancies from the Diversity and Inclusion network.


For more information please contactANDREW.BOON@BRISBANE.QLD.GOV.AU

Position Description: CLICK HERE

NB. Right click on link and copy shortcut into a new browser for example, Chrome.

Duration: Up to 6 Months

Start Date: Monday 6 June 2022

Closing Date: Friday 3 June 2022

Brisbane City Council is a multi-award winning accessible and inclusive workplace. Council was awarded 2016 Employer of Year at the National Disability Awards and 2018 & 2019 ‘Gold’ status by the Australian Workplace Equality Index for LGBTI inclusion.

Happy job hunting!!

Diversity and Inclusion Team

Strategic Talent Management | Human Resources






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Brisbane City Council has an external JOBS BOARD that you can sign up for a Jobs Alert.  This will give you access to ALL jobs available to external applicants.

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