From: Murray Saylor []
Sent: Friday, 27 May 2022 8:22 AM
To: Aboriginal Social Media & Communications Network
Subject: Fwd: ATO Reach Out Program Sessions – Reconciliation and NAIDOC week.
Hello bala Darren,
Could you share this post to the Network.
Kind regards,
Murray Saylor
Managing Director
m. +61 0400 280 856
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From: Jimilla Dix <>
Date: Fri, May 27, 2022 at 8:20 AM
Subject: ATO Reach Out Program Sessions – Reconciliation and NAIDOC week.
Good morning businesses,
Reach Out is an Indigenous business support program that works with Indigenous small businesses to help them meet their tax and superannuation obligations. The program is one of several Australian Government initiatives introduced to increase the economic participation of Indigenous Australians by helping them build sustainable businesses that will support: themselves, their families, their communities.
Across Reconciliation week this year, Reach-out are hosting a number of free workshops in support of this initiative, please find links below to register for these upcoming free information sessions
If you’re running an Indigenous small business and would like to know more about the program you can email
Feel free to disseminate this information through your network
Thank you, have a great weekend.
Register |
27/05/2022 |
Running a home-based business |
10.30am |
27/05/2022 |
Introduction to business records |
2pm |
Register |
30/05/2022 |
Starting a small business |
10am |
30/05/2022 |
1pm |
30/05/2022 |
Introduction to GST |
3pm |
Register |
31/05/2022 |
COWATO – Sole Trader |
10am |
31/05/2022 |
Connecting Online with The ATO Business |
12.30pm |
31/05/2022 |
Budgeting for your commitments |
3.30pm |
Register |
1/06/2022 |
Cash flow for small business success |
10am |
1/06/2022 |
Digital Options for your SB |
12pm |
1/06/2022 |
Strategies for improving your cash flow |
2.30pm |
Register |
2/06/2022 |
Employer – Hiring workers |
10am |
2/06/2022 |
Employer STP |
12.30pm |
2/06/2022 |
Employer – Paying workers |
3pm |
Register |
3/06/2022 |
Considering your small business viability |
10am |
3/06/2022 |
Closing your small business |
2pm |
Resources and links
- ATO website information on reach out: Reach Out – Indigenous business support project pilot | Australian Taxation Office (
- Reach Out email (Direct contact point for Indigenous small businesses)
- All the products the ATO offer all small businesses can be found here:
Jimilla Dix
A/ Project Support Officer
South East Queensland South
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
P 07 3080 4700 E
Level 2/6 Ewing Road, Logan Central Qld 4114
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Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia
Proudly Sponsored by Tagai Management Consultants & All Aspects Recruitment & HR Services.
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