Hi All
IUIH, on behalf of the Network, are offering a range of full-time and part-time traineeships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members across several different qualifications. See flyer below.
Please pass on to family and networks. We are currently recruiting and would love to hear from anyone interested. The recruitment process includes looking at eligibility based on previous qualifications and experience.
Any questions or concerns please contact iuihacademy@iuih.org.au.
Alison Nelson
Director, Organisational Development and Acting Chief Operations Officer
Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH)
22 Cox Road Windsor Qld 4030 | PO Box 5638 West End Qld 4101
P: +617 3648 9500 | M: 0403577703 | W: www.iuih.org.au
I acknowledge the many Goori Nations whose territories IUIH works across in South-East Queensland.
I honour the Ancestors and those who have walked before us and paved the way.
Kick start you journey in health & community!!
IUIH currently have traineeships
Click https://www.seek.com.au/iuih-jobs/in-All-brisbane ( this also includes Ipswich , North Brisbane , Caboolture & Sunshine Coast )
Paid Traineeships in Dental , Reception , Eye Health, and Aged Care
CALL 3828 3600 or
APPLY NOW ! Send us your details!
Kind Regards,
Tracy Hill | Manager, Pathways Our Way Academy | Organisational Development
IUIH | 22 Cox Road Windsor Qld 4030
P.O. Box 5638, West End Q 4101
m: +61 408 027 902| t: +61 7 3648 9500 | f: +61 7 3252 9851
I acknowledge the many Goori Nations whose territories IUIH works across in South-East Queensland.
I honour the Ancestors and those who have walked before us and paved the way.
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