Active Clubs
Active Clubs provides funding of $2,000 to support volunteers and provide flexible and safe physical activity opportunities to increase sport and recreation participation.
Round 2 is now open. See a list of all round 1 funding recipients.
Key dates for round 2
23 February 2022 – Applications open
23 March 2022 – Applications close
30 June 2023 – Projects must be completed
*Projects can commence subject to receipt of project approval letter from the department. See full terms and conditions (PDF, 1 MB).
Apply now
Who can apply
Organisations eligible to apply for funding must be:
- registered with an ABN; and
- local or regional level Queensland not-for-profit sport or recreation organisations or not-for-profit community organisations (with an objective of sport or recreation) incorporated under the:
- sport or recreation clubs incorporated within a Queensland university.
Eligible organisations can only apply for funding for the listed sport or active recreation activities (refer to Appendix 1 of the Active Club guidelines (PDF, 1 MB).
Multisport and regional organisations can submit only 1 application under the program.
No outstanding compliance issues
At the time of program close, your organisation must:
- have no outstanding compliance issues with the Office of Fair Trading of more than 6 months
- have met all obligations for projects/activities currently funded by the department; and
- have no debt owing to the department.
To check if your organisation has any outstanding compliance issues with either the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport or the Office of Fair Trading, contact your local Sport and Recreation office.
Read the terms and conditions for Active Clubs funding
What you can receive funding for
Funding of $2,000 (GST exclusive) is available. The total project cost can exceed $2,000 however, your organisation has to pay the difference.
Applicants may only select one eligible option as their primary focus in the application but may expend approved funding on multiple eligible projects. Eligible projects are those that meet the program objectives. These include, but are not limited to:
Categories (primary focus)
Training and education
Coach, official, instructor education and accreditation, governance, financial or volunteer management training/courses/conferences, travel and accommodation to attend.
Support volunteers
Volunteer Recognition
Merchandise, regular competition travel reimbursement, volunteer event/dinners, volunteer membership and nomination fee subsidy, volunteer catering at competition, discounted event tickets
Support volunteers
Equipment – on field
Communal on field equipment retained by the organisation including bats, balls, racquets, safety pads, nets, bibs, coaching apps and subscriptions
Deliver safe experiences
Equipment – off field
Communal off field equipment retained by the organisation including software, IT equipment hardware and first aid
Deliver safe experiences
Covid-safe related expenses
Hygiene products, hand sanitiser and cleaning to assist organisations run a COVID safe event or competition, signage, rapid antigen tests
Deliver safe experiences
Participation activities and events
Costs associated with planning and delivery of sign-on days and come and try days, carnivals e.g. presenters fees, welcome to country, insurance, first aid, venue hire, equipment hire
Provide flexible participation opportunities
Costs to deliver new online programs, modified programs, ladies-only programs, social participation programs e.g. advertising, venue hire, presenters
Provide flexible participation opportunities
What will not be funded
- General operational expenses (e.g. insurance, maintenance, venue hire, electricity unless specifically related to a one-off event
- White goods
- Participant uniforms excluding safety equipment retained by the organisation
- Capital works or fixed structures (e.g. shade sails and stands)
- Discreet consultancy without any education/training for the organisation e.g. developing a strategic plan/grant application or administration fees
- Feasibility studies/research
- Prizes/giveaways/alcohol/cash/gift cards
- Accounting programs (MYOB, Xero)
- Wages of ongoing/seasonal nature (e.g. paid coaches)
If your application is successful
Organisations will receive written notification of the outcome of their application.
Applicants accept the Active Clubs Round 2 Terms and Conditions when submitting their online application form. The Terms and Conditions are also available on the department’s website.
Organisations that are not approved for Active Clubs Round 2 can contact the department to seek further information as to the application not being approved.
Funding will be processed as one payment once you have been notified. All payments will be made prior to 30 June 2022.
If your organisation receives funding, you will need to appropriately acknowledge the Queensland Government in any promotion of the project.
More information
This program is an initiative under the Activate! Queensland 10-year sport and active recreation strategy. Find out more about the Active Clubs initiative.
Naomi Moke
Indigenous Engagement Officer
Sport and Recreation, North Coast
Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport
M 0422 848 455
Level 6, 400 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
PO Box 7082, Sippy Downs QLD 4556
I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Queensland. I offer my respect to elders past, present and emerging
as we work towards a just, equitable and reconciled Australia.