Cyril Green
Aboriginal Community Development Officer
P 02 6770 3936 M 0428227966 F 02 6772 9275
135 Rusden Street | PO Box 75A Armidale NSW 2350
From: Kye Single <>
Sent: Monday, 24 January 2022 2:11 PM
Subject: Exciting news!
Hi All!
Armidale Family Support Service Inc. now operates in Uralla as Uralla Community Neighbourhood Centre and in Walcha as Walcha Neighbourhood Centre.
We are pleased to announce that the NSW Department of Communities & Justice contracted us under the Targeted Early Intervention Program to provide additional services to the Uralla and Walcha communities.
We are now funded to provide information, advocacy and support, advice and referral services to all families in town, and surrounding areas. We will organise and provide events in the two communities that bring people together, particularly farm families that are still being impacted by the recent drought, fires, and storms.
AFSS has been operating in New England for 35 years and we are a well-known and trusted local charity. We are keen to see as little disruption to service in the community and a smooth transition
Check our website/FB page for details of the opening of the Uralla Community Neighbourhood Centre and Walcha Neighbourhood Centre in Uralla and Walcha in February 2022 and come in and meet our friendly staff. We look forward to working with you!
Always was, Always is, Always will be Aboriginal Land.
Case Worker – Conference Organiser
Counsellor ACA #17384
Kye Single B SocSci (Counselling), Dip Min, Dip Th.
02 67727243 – 0467563087
89 Rusden St — Po Box 1214
Armidale, NSW, 2350