Aboriginal Social Media Subscription page has been fixed

Hi All

Aboriginal Social Media & Communications Network (ASMCN) has been undergoing a transition to a new email distribution platform and there has been a few hiccup’s along the way.

The problem with the Subscription page has been fixed and hopefully you can share the link with your friends to keep informed about what is happening with our mob.

We hope that you will bear with us until we can complete the setup of the new distribution.

We have transitioned to the domain aboriginalnetwork.org.au away from indigenoussupport.org.au for website, email, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn consistency and distribution.

If you would like your community events, and information distributed please send your emails to info@aboriginalnetwork.org.au and we will disseminate it through our social network mediums.

We would like to thank our sponsors Tagai Management ConsultantsandAll Aspect Recruitment & HR Services for their support and sponsorship that helps us keep the network free for distribution to our mob!

Thank you for your patience and look forward to distributing and hearing of your communities Events and information.

Kindest Regards

Darren Williams

Director ASMCN


To Post a message, send it to: info@aboriginalnetwork.org.au

To Unsubscribe if you receive emails directly from Aboriginal Social Media and Communications Network, send a message with Unsubscribe in the Subject line to:. info@aboriginalnetwork.org.au

or click on this link http://www.aboriginalnetwork.org.au/subscribe/

If you receive our emails from another source please contact them and ask them to remove you from their list.

ASMCN LOGO FINAL 2bcid:<a href=facebookIcon2atwitter-128 32 x 32

Proudly Sponsored by Tagai Management Consultants & All Aspects Recruitment & HR Services.

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Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia

FW: ( S.A. ) Carclew is hiring now!

No images? Click here

Carclew logo

Transforming young lives through creativity

Dance Artist Caleena Sansbury at Elizabeth Grove Primary School – Photo taken by Jack Fenby

Carclew is Now Hiring

Arts Program Coordinator P/T contract 0.6 ASO4
Identified position for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander candidates only.
Want to work with a great team and help support children and young people thrive through increased participation in arts programs and career development? Apply Now
A dynamic role where you can make a difference to the lives of young South Australians.

  • Provide opportunities for First Nations young people to connect with culture
  • Consult with First Nations artists and keystakeholders in schools and communities

The Job and Person Specification is available at carclew.com.au/join-the-team
For further information, contact Bethany Ashley-Ward, Manager – Arts Programs 08 8267 5111 or b.ashley@carclew.org.au
Please send applications to Hana Fittes hfittes@carclew.org.au
Applications close 5pm Monday July 25.
Please share with your networks.

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$50 for 50 years

As Carclew celebrates 50 years of transforming young lives through creativity, this year, we are asking South Australians to give back open-heartedly, allowing us to continue making an impact.
Donate now

Carclew Newsletter

Each month, Carclew sends out a newsletter with all of our upcoming opportunities and programs for young and aspiring artists.
Subscribe now

Find us

11 Jeffcott Street
Kaurna Country
North Adelaide SA 5006
Phone: 61 8 8267 5111
Email: carclew@carclew.org.au

Follow us

Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  LinkedIn  YouTube

Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia

Proudly Sponsored by Tagai Management Consultants & All Aspects Recruitment & HR Services.
https://tagaimc.com                                                          https://aarecruit.com.au

http://roundhouseav.squarespace.com/storage/tagaimc/Tagai-Email-Sig2.png AArecruit Logo 200 x 50

If you would like to subscribe to ASMCN click on the link below:




FW: ( S.A. ) Tauondi Aboriginal College : State Government Aboriginal Traineeship Program

Are you interested in a SA Government Traineeship in 2022
Tauondi Aboriginal College will be hosting Pre-employment programs commencing in June

Come to an Information Session

To be eligible you must meet the criteria below;

  • Be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
  • Attend one of our information sessions

Virtual (zoom) Sessions:
Contact Dylan for an invitation:  08 8240 0300

Face to Face Sessions:
Date:              Thursday 21 July  2022
Time:              11am
Venue:          Tauondi Aboriginal College
1 Lipson Street, Port Adelaide

Register your interest to attend an information session by contacting: Dylan Adams, Training Mentor at Tauondi College by phoning 08 8240 0300 or via email: dadams@tauondi.sa.edu.au
Please see attached for more information.


Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia

Proudly Sponsored by Tagai Management Consultants & All Aspects Recruitment & HR Services.
https://tagaimc.com                                                          https://aarecruit.com.au

http://roundhouseav.squarespace.com/storage/tagaimc/Tagai-Email-Sig2.png AArecruit Logo 200 x 50

If you would like to subscribe to ASMCN click on the link below:




FW: ( N.T. ) 56 new Indigenous jobs in Northern Territory

Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia, Charles Darwin University and Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corp are looking for candidates like you.


Indigenous jobs in Northern Territory

Within 10km

Part time 





Jobs that are similar to Indigenous



Aboriginal social Media and communications network of Australia

Proudly Sponsored by Tagai Management Consultants & All Aspects Recruitment & HR Services.
https://tagaimc.com                                                          https://aarecruit.com.au

http://roundhouseav.squarespace.com/storage/tagaimc/Tagai-Email-Sig2.png AArecruit Logo 200 x 50

If you would like to subscribe to ASMCN click on the link below:
